Week 2 Flashcards
What is r-Connectivity?

What is a Harry Graph?

How to construct a Harary Graph if r and n is even?

How to construct a Harary Graph if r odd and n is even?

How to Harary Graph construct both r and n are odd?

What is the definition of vertex independent?

What is the definition of edge-independent?

What is Menger’s theorem?

What is the definition of Biparte graph?

What is the definition of a ranked embedding?

What is the theorem about biparte, and ranked embedding?

What is the definition of a planar graph?

What is Euler’s theorem?

What is a theorem about a planar graph with n ≥ 3 and m edges?

What is a theorem about a planar graph and one vertex v, with delta(v)?

What is a directed graph?

What is the indegree and outdegree of a vertex?

What is a theorem about the indegree and outdegree?

What is the difference when storing a undirected graph and directed graph in an adjecency list?

What is the goal of edge coloring?

What is the definition and notation of an r-edge coloarable edge?

What is the definition of Δ(G)?

What is a theorem of ϗ’(G)?

What is the definition of r-vertex colorable?

Proof that:

What is the maximum number of colors needed for a planar graph?
How to show that a most 5 colors are needed to color a planar map?
Proof by induction on the number of vertices of G.
Basecase. If n = 2, we can color the vertices of G with 2 colors and 2≤5.
Induction hypothesis. Assume any planar graph with at most n vertices can be “vertex colored” with ≤ 5 colors.
Inductive step. We have to show that any planar G with n + 1 vertices can be “vertex colored” with ≤ 5 vertices.
- Take an arbitrary graph G with n + 1 vertices.
- G has at least one vertex, say v, with degree ≤ 5. Why?
- Let G∗ = G − {v}. The vertices of G∗ can be colored with ≤ 5 colors, by induction hypothesis. Assume c1, . . . , c5 are the colors used in G∗.
- If |N(v)| ≤ 5, then v can be colored with an unused color and we’re done. - So, we assume that N(v) = 5 all 5 colors are used by N(v).
- Let N (v) = {v1, v2, . . . , v5}, clockwise around v, and color(vi) = ci.
Case 1. Assume that no [v1, v3]-path in G∗ has only colors c1 and c3.
- Let H be the subgraph induced by all (v1, w)-paths in G∗ that have only colors c1 and c3. (Suppose the following path is one of them.)
- Vertex v3 and its neighbor are not in H. Why?
- Interchanging c1 and c3 in H doesn’t violate the “proper coloring” of G∗.
- v1’s color becomes (and v3’s color is still) c3, so v can be colored with c1.
Case 2. Some [v1, v3]-path P in G∗ has only colors c1 and c3. Since G is planar, the cycle [P, v, v1] in G encloses either v2 or v4.
v1 v5
v2 v3
- This implies that there is no [v2, v4]-path in G∗ with only colors c2 and c4.
- Let H′ be the subgraph induced by all (v2,w)-paths in G∗ that have only colors c2 and c2.
- Vertex v4 and its neighbor are not in H′.
- Interchanging c2 and c4 in H′ doesn’t violate the “proper coloring” of G∗.
- v2’s color becomes (and v4’s color is still) c4, so v can be colored with c2.