Week 2 Flashcards
Spacer integrase complex for CRISPR
Cas1 and Cas2 heterohexamer. (Cas1(2) - Cas2)2 i.e., 4 Cas1 and 2 Cas2
How are newly acquired spacers arrange in the CRISPR locus?
Newly acquired spacers are ligate in between repeat domains in the CRISPR array, with the ‘leading’ (newest) spacers being transcribed into crRNA at a much higher rate. In this fashion, the cell is afforded greater protection to more recent invasions.
Protospacer-adjacent motif, recognized by CRISPR systems for the acquisition of new spacers.
Issues with using mice as model system to study Mtb.
- No sterilizing immunity
- No granuloma formation
- forms chronic, low grade infection unable to be controlled by adaptive immunity, unlike human infection (i.e. no latency)
Intracellular pathways activated by Mtb permeabilization of phagosome
cGAS-STING (IFNa/B) and AIM2-NLRP3 (Caspase1/IL-1B)
How does Mtb (and other bacteria) transmit extracellular information internally?
Two-component systems
Serine/Threonine Protein Kinases
Proteolytic Signal Transduction (release of sigma factors that affect transcription)
How long is antibiotic treatment therapy for Mtb?
Shortest duration that will cure 95% of patients (without drug-resistance) need at least 6 months of Antibiotics. 70% can be cured with 2-3 months, but there is no way of telling who they are. Culture negativity is not indicative of cure.
Original isolation of bacteriophage
Edward Twort (1915) and Felix d’Herelle (1917)
What is the DNA/RNA bias between eukaryotic viruses versus bacteriophage?
Bacteriophage are predominantly DNA viruses, while eukaryotic viruses are predominantly RNA viruses
Why does bacteriophage nucleic acids quickly circularize (if not already circularized) upon injection/infection?
“free” dsDNA ends are highly targeted by nearly all organisms for either repair or degradation - it indicates a break in the genetic material or an infection.
Two different outcomes of successful bacteriophage infection of bacteria
Lytic (cell lyses and progeny is released)
Lysogenic (DNA is integrated into bacterial chromosome, replicated throughout daughter cells and later activated (i.e. by DNA damage sensing)).
What is bidirectional reporter?
Some bacteriophages have one promoter in their circular genome that can induce transcription to either the left or right. Often the lytic and lysogenic genes are segregated to one or the other side of this promoter, allowing for control of cycles.
Approx. length of CRISPR spacers/repeats
30-40 bp.
Luria-Delbruck fluctuation test
1969 Nobel prize in Medicine. Showed that genetic mutations arise in the absence of selection, rather than as a result of selection, using phage T1 as the selective pressure on a population of bacteria.
Zinder-Lederberg experiment
- Showed evidence for mobile genetic elements in a Salmonella population via phage (using a filter that bacteria cannot pass through (but phages can)).
Hershey-Chase Experiment
confirmed that DNA is the source of genetic information using bacteriophages.
Crick-Brenner experiment
determined the triplet nature of the genetic code in 1961 using phage.
Lysogenic conversion
when non-virulent strains of bacteria become toxic due to the integration of a pro-phage-encoded toxin
Types of bacterial resistance to phage infection
Surface modification of entry peptides Superinfection exclusion Restriction Modification Abortive infection CRISPR
What bacteria does T4 phage typically target?
E coli
Bacterial cells containing an integrated prophage, which can be induced, excised from the chromosome and enter the lytic cycle
The observation that different regions (genes and gene blocks) of the phage genomes have distinct evolutionary histories, owing to horizontal gene transfer events.
Most common morphologic features of isolated phages
Tailed and dsDNA genomes.
Three absorption-blocking mechanisms against bacteriophages
the blocking of phage receptors,
the production of extracellular matrix
and the production of competitive inhibitors.
The organelle responsible for ‘secretion’ of virulence proteins by the ‘type III secretion’ mechanism.
F0F1 Proton Translocase
A large and complex enzyme
in the mitochondrial inner membrane that catalyses the synthesis of ATP, which is driven by a flow of protons
Targets of the Yop proteins injected by Yersinia through the type III secretion system.
(in macrophages)
- destruction/disruption of cytoskeleton
- blocking of the inflammatory response
- promotion of apoptosis of macrophages
differentiation of bone marrow myeloid progenitors to mature neutrophils, driven by granulocyte colony stimulating factor (G‑CSF)165, which is produced in response to interleukin‑17A (IL‑17A) synthesized by T cells.
Two methods of signaling for emergency granulopoiesis
Direct - Sensing of PAMPs by HSCs leads to autocrine signaling that stimulates their differentiation.
Indirect - Sensing of PAMPs by HSCs and mesenchymic stem cells int he periphery leads to GM-CSF production which stimulates granulopoiesis.
Three Bacterial killing mechanisms by neutrophils
Degranulation, Phagocytosis, and NETs
Three steps of neutrophil recruitment
- initiation of adherence to activated endothelial cells and rolling,
- neutrophil arrest caused by firm attachment to the endothelium,
- and finally migrating across the endothelial barrier to the infection site.
Three enzymes produced by neutrophils after successful phagocytosis of pathogens
NADPH oxidase (generates superoxides), myeloperoxidase (MPO) (converts hydrogen peroxide to HOCl), or nitric oxide (NO) synthetase (makes NO)
Three types of granules in neutrophils
azurophilic granule,
specific granule,
and gelatinase granule
Azurophilic (primary) granule contents
myeloperoxidase (MPO),
a spectrum of neutrophil serine
proteases (NSPs): cathepsin G (CG), neutrophil elastase
(NE), proteinase 3 (PR3), and the recently discovered neu-
trophil serine protease-4 (NSP4)
protein (BPI)
Specific granule contents
The specific granules are smaller with 0.1 𝜇m diameter
and formed after azurophilic granules. These granules do not contain MPO and are characterized by the presence of the glycoprotein lactoferrin.
They primarily contain a wide range of antimicrobial compounds including calprotectin, lactoferrin,
neutrophil gelatinase-associated lipocalin (NGAL), hCAP-18, and lysozymes
Also known as S100A, has
been shown to inhibit microbial growth through chelation
of nutrient Mn2+ and Zn2+, resulting in reprogramming of
the bacterial transcriptome. Accounts for approximately 40-50% of the protein in neutrophil cytoplasm.