week 18 p1 Flashcards
- What is oncogene
Oncogenes arise from gain-of-function mutations which over-activate genes involved in cell proliferation
Mutated gene whose protein is produced in either higher quanity or altered manner to increase activity
What is protooncogene
• A proto-oncogene is the normal unmutated gene which regulates cell proliferation
- Who discovered SRC
In 1911 Peyton Rous identified the Rous Sarcoma Virus which could be transmitted between chickens causing cancer
- What is The discovery of src (retroviral transfer)
• In 1911 Peyton Rous identified the
Rous Sarcoma Virus which could be
transmitted between chickens
causing cancer.
• In 1941 he transformed normal
cells into tumour cells in culture by
infecting them with the virus
What happen in the 1960s
- In the 1960s everyone was working on RSV (Harry Rubin, Howard Temin, Peter Vogt and Hidesaburo and Teruko Hanafusa)
* They isolated RSV strains that did not transform cells- Other strains could transform but could not replicate themselves
- what did Tentin and the other disover about the gene
- one gene was responsible for the transforming capacity
- and that this was separate from the genes necessary for viral replication
- At the same time another group of scientists found out that the RSV genome was made of RNA not DNA (Crawford, Robinson, Duesberg)
What happened in 1970s
Molecular biology was invented
Temin continued his work using this technology and isolated reverse- transcriptase from RSV
Baltimore and his group simultaneouslyisolated it from another virus This explained how a virus (made of RNA) could integrate into a mammalian genome (made of DNA) becoming a provirus
what else occurred in 1970
This enabled some more ground-breaking scientists (Stehelin and Bishop)
to reverse transcribe the RSV genome and generate labelled probes to the src gene.
How did the SRC originality
avian cellular gene and was “stolen” by the RSV virus and turned into an oncogene by a viral promoter.
Un-mutated chicken src was called a proto-oncogene
How is SRC oncogene is derived from the host genome
- Virus is uncoated on the entry in the host cell
- Reverse transcriptase make DNA copy of the vital genome in the host cell
- Second strand of DNA is made by copying the first
- Viral DNA is integrated into the host chromosomes
- Viral mRNA is transcribed
- Viral proteins are are produced if the retrovirus has been picked up by the mamelian gene, this mean that oncoproteins will be also be produced
- Viral particles are assembled
How does Oncogenes and human cancer
- Retroviral activation of proto-oncogenes is associated with many animal tumours
- However, very few retroviruses are involved in human cancers
- Human tumours contain activated oncogenes without the viral intermediary
what was the discovery of RAS (mammalian cell transfection)
- • Begins with viruses in the 60s again:
* •Lather it became possible to transfect DNA into mammalian cells without viral vectors.
what is DNA transfection assay
• DNA from tumour cell lines collected
• Transfected into mouse cultured cells
• Transformed cells identified by increased growth and loss of contact inhibition
• Transformed cells produce tumours in athymic (nude)
how was Multiple RAS genes exist
Between 1981 and 1984 the human homologues
What are the different Ras
• HRAS was discovered in DNA from the EJ/T24
bladder carcinoma line
• KRAS was discovered in DNA from lung and colon cancers
• NRAS was discovered in DNA from Neuroblastomas