Week 16: Means of Redress, Freedom of Information Flashcards
Explain redress
Administrative procedures by which individuals can seek remedy for where the use of public power goes wrong
Governmental power is exercised at the individual level
- Lives and livelihoods affected by decisions on benefits, licences, planning permissions etc.
Each case may affect only one or a few people, but collectively vital to nature of government and its legitimacy
- Embodies respect for individuals and rule of law
How can things be done right the first time to ensure there is no need for redress
Incorporate feedback from previous appeals etc into future decisions
Obstacles for getting things right the first time, in regards to redress
- Discretion in how public authorities make decisions
- Complexity of the law
- Amount of work
- Different opinions on what is a “good” outcome
How can grievances such as unhappiness at administrative decisions (Refusal of a licence, to provide benefits etc.) be dealt with
- By providing right of appeal
- Full reconsideration of the merits of the case; not just procedure and legality
- Appeal body substitutes its own view of what should happen
Explain rights of appeal
Right of appeal must be expressly created, with details of procedure
- Every legislative scheme slightly different
- If no right of appeal, only option will be judicial review (which only considers legality)
Right of appeal normally given only to the party directly affected
- The applicant for a licence or benefit
- More controversial when decision also affects wider public (E.g. planning permission, operating licence)
- Only option for objectors is judicial review
What are the 3 types of appelate bodies (hear appeals under the statutory appeal processes)
- internal
- courts
- specialist body
Describe the internal appellate body
- within same authority or to higher body, e.g. Ministers
- quick, simple, very expert
- no independence - minister may be independent in hearing appeal but they is always doubt that there are additional factors that could be relevent i.e. personal relationships
Describe the courts as an appelate body
- lack of expertise on subject-matter
- Formal, independent
- Problems over cost and delay
- Increased burden of hearing decisions on courts -longer delay in appeal being heard
Describe the specialist appellate body
- expert
- separate from initial decision-maker
- procedure suited to nature of cases
- cant make too many because it will drain governments resources
Explain the evolution of the tribunal system
Developed piecemeal → Now reformed and reorganised
1957 (Franks Committee):
- Tribunals are a mechanism for adjudication, and should be open, fair and impartial
- Advantage of cheapness, accessibility, freedom from technicality, and expert knowledge
2001 (Leggatt Review):
- Merged a range of separate tribunals and introduced major reforms
2007 (UK) 2014 (Scotland):
- Tribunals, Courts and Enforcement Act 2007
- Tribunals (Scotland) Act 2014
Describe tribunals, what they do and who is on a tribunal panel.
Tribunals are dedicated as bodies for adjudication
- consider the merits of cases
- decide the substantive issue
- E.g. should a person get a licence or a benefit or not?
Who is on a tribunal panel?
- Commonly a legally qualified chair plus two others with relevant expertise
- Either technical knowledge or experience of the issue
Explain tribunal reform since 2007
- Unified administration of (most) tribunals
- HM Court Service and the Tribunal Service merged by Tribunals, Courts and Enforcement Act 2007 to make HM Courts and Tribunals Service
- Scottish Court Service and Scottish Tribunals Service merged by Tribunals (Scotland) Act 2014 to make Scottish Courts and Tribunals Service to make the Scottish Courts and Tribunals Service
- HM Courts and Tribunals Service covers courts in England and Wales, in addition to UK-level tribunals
- Scottish Courts and Tribunals Services covers matters within devolved competency
Employment tribunals run on same lines but bit different
- Not a matter of public law; Disputes between private bodies
Status of tribunals (in UK/England & Wales and Scotland)
Guarantee of judicial independence
- Constitutional Reform Act 2005, s.3
- All Ministers “must uphold the continued independence of the judiciary”
UK/England & Wales
- Senior President of Tribunals - Sir Keith John Lindblom
- First President was appointed to Supreme Court - Lord Carnwath
- There is also a President of Welsh Tribunals/Llywydd Tribiwnlysoedd Cymru (Wales Act 2017, s.60)
- President of Scottish Tribunals is currently Lord Woolman
- Used to be Lord Carloway
Explain the tribunal structure - UK and Scotland
First Teir Tribunals:
- Organised into chambers to keep expertise
- First Tier often legally qualified chair and others with relevant expertise in area
Upper Tribunal (hears appeals from First Tier Tribunals
- Some cases go directly to Upper Tribunal
- Have to seek leave to appeal from First-Tier Tribunal
- Upper Tribunal members includes senior judiciary
Examples of chambers within first teir tribunals (UK)
Social Entitlement Chamber
- Social security and child support, criminal injuries compensation, asylum support
Immigration and Asylum Chamber
Health, Education and Social Care Chamber - Care standards, mental health, special educational needs, disability
Tax Chamber
Property Chamber
War Pensions & Armed Forces Compensation
General Regulatory Chamber
- Charity, consumer credit, environment, estate agents, gambling, transport, information
Examples of chambers within the upper tribunal
4 chambers:
- Administrative Appeals
- Tax and Chancery
- Immigration and Asylum
- Lands