Week 15 Flashcards
Complicity I was guilty of complicity
Partnership in wrong doing
Liquidation After the liquidation of the ceo there was an argument who would be the new ceo
Disposal of killing
Accomplice The driver was an accomplice to the robber
An associate in crime
Recant He began to recant everything he said
Withdraw previous statements
He was culpable of stealing
Deserving in blame
Abrogate The Sargent abrogated the recruits position
Abolish officially
Alleged You are the alleged criminal until proven guilty
Reported, supposed, acused
Access We had gained access into the building
invalidated no longer valid
To deprive of legal force, to nullify, to make no longer valid
Precluded The game had been precluded because of the coaches actions
Prevent, make impossible
Preserve I need to preserve my bodies health
Persist, perseverance
Landmark D-Day was a very important landmark during WWii
Historic, turning point of a period
Extrinsic There was an extrinsic component breaking the car From the inside
Coming from the inside
Declaim The officer declaimed the inmate
Speak loudly
My little cousins keep fettering with my scooter and bike
To hamper, to mess with