Week 14 Prosthetic Evaluation and Management Flashcards
what do you want to look at to determine if a patient is an appropriate for a prosthesis?
-will the prosthesis aide in achieving functional goals
-severity of comorbidities
-mobility prior to amputation
-family demands/input
-have a candid conversation with the patient
what are the common impairments, functional limitations or disabilities seen with amputation?
-decreased community access
-joint contracture
-impaired aerobic capacity
-impaired gait pattern
-impaired integ. and inadequate shape of residual limb
-impaired performance during ADLs
-residual limb pain
-difficulty with manipulation skills
what factors contribute to the patients functional outcomes?
-pre prosthetic activity level
-level of amputation
-comorbidities/energy expenditures
-hip flexion contractures
-financial issues especially if no insurance
what are some comorbidities that may affect the patient’s ability to use a prosthesis?
->85y/o with comorbidities have a small likelihood of successful prosthetic ambulation
-increase age and # of comorbidities = less probability with success
-PVD: high cardiac/stroke risk claudication
-COPD: limited due to increased O2 demands
how can contractures affect the likelihood of success with a prothesis?
<25 degrees can usually be accommodated
-affects the ability to weight shift properly and control prothesis esp. knee flexion/extension
-severe contractures limit ability
what are some examples of functional outcome measures used for TF amputees?
L test
Berg Balance
what are the two surgical techniques used in a TF amputation?
-myoplasty: deep layer: medial and lateral muscle groups sutured together; second layer: anterior and posterior muscle groups sutured together; outer layer: skin sutured
-myodesis: adductor magnus pulled medial to lateral and sutured to lateral femur; quadriceps pulled over adductor anterior to posteriorly and sutured to posterior femur
what are the benefits of ace wrapping?
-pt can perform
-ease of skin checks
-can modify tension for comfort if patient is hypersensitive
what are the drawbacks of ace wrapping?
-difficult for some to perform
-difficult to apply appropriate pressure
-adverse skin reactions
what position should the patient be in when wrapping the limb?
side lying for better control with hip neutral or slightly extended
what functional mobility does a TF amputee need?
independence with bed mobility (including prone), transfers, and positioning/stretching
how much hip extension should a TF patient have?
0-10 degrees
what are the pressure sensitive areas for a TF amputee?
greater troch
anterior superior iliac spine
adductor tendon
distal end of the femur
inguinal fossa
pubic tubercle
surgical suture
what are the pressure tolerant areas for a TF amputee?
ischial tuberosity
lateral flear of stump
medial flear of stump
anterior flear of stump
posterior flear of stump
distal end of the stump for total contact socket
what are some factors that may affect prosthetic wear?
-skin issues
-distal bruising/bursa formation
-wear and tear/broken componentry
what should you check when doing a TF checkout in sitting?
-socket suspension: pull on socket
-length of the thigh and shin matches the intact limb with knee levels at 90
-sitting comfort: posterior wall
-pt leans forward to check anterior wall
what should you check during a TF checkout in standing?
-socket fit/comfort
-knee stability in stand: inability to control knee flexion
-pelvic landmarks: check levels of iliac crests
-socket contact: check brim of socket and weight shift
-adductor roll: check high in groin for excessive tissue on medial wall
-pubic ramus pressure
what are some of the prosthetic training goals?
-smooth energy efficient gait (accept weight BL, balance in SLS, advance limb forward BL, adapt to environmental demands)
-increase independence with ADLs, functional mobility, recreational, and work activities
what are the critical training elements with a TF amputee?
-stability BLE
-knee control
-stability on prosthesis
-prosthetic control
-pelvic control
-side stepping/backward stepping
why should you avoid using a walker with an amputee?
it does not allow for smooth, symmetrical gait
energy expenditure is directly related to __ and __.
balance and gait symmetry