Week 14 Flashcards
Lightning, adj.
Moving with or having the speed and suddenness of lightning.
Limb, n.
An animals jointed appendage used for motion or grasping.
Limousine, n.
A larger passenger vehicle, usually luxurious and driven by a chauffeur.
Linear, adj.
Involving a single dimension; not square or cubic.
Linoleum, n.
A floor covering made by laying on a cloth backing a mixture of solidified linseed oil and various solid particles and usually pigments.
Literate, adj.
Able to read and write.
Livelihood, n.
Means of support; subsistence.
Livid, adj.
Very angry; furious.
Location, n.
A place where something is or could be located; a site.
Locust, n.
A grasshopper that frequently travels in swarms.
Lodging, n.
A place to live; dwelling.
Longevity, n.
A long duration of individual life.
Loveliness, n.
The state of being beautiful.
Luau, n.
A feast with Hawaiian food and usually Hawaiian entertainment.
Ludicrous, adj.
Meriting derisive laughter or scorn; absurd.
Lullaby, n.
A soothing refrain; especially: a song used to quiet children or lull them to sleep.
Luminous, adj.
Emitting or seeming to emit a steady suffused light that is reflected or produced from within.
Luncheon, n.
An afternoon party at which a light meal is served.
Lunge, v.
To make a forceful forward movement.
Luscious, adj.
Sweet and pleasant to taste or smell.
Macaroni, n.
Pasta composed chiefly of semolina dried in the form of slender tubes or small fancy shapes.
Mademoiselle, n.
An unmarried french woman.
Maestro, n.
A master or teacher of an art.
Magnificent, adj.
Great in deed or exalted in place.
Maintenance, n.
The labor of keeping something (as buildings or equipment) in a state of repair or efficiency; upkeep.
Malaria, n.
A disease caused by sporozoan parasites in the red blood cells, transmitted by the bite of anopheline mosquitos, and characterized by period attacks of chills and fevers.
Malice, n.
Ill will; enmity.
Malign, v.
To make evil, harmful, and often untrue statements about; speak evil of.
Mallet, n.
A tool with a large head for striking a surface without marring it.
Mammoth, adj.
Manacle, n.
A device for confining the hands.
Managerial, adj.
Of, relating to, or characteristic of a person who conducts, directs, or supervises something.
Mandatory, adj.
Containing, constituting, or relating to an authoritative command, order, or injunction.