week 13 - blackwater Flashcards
His contracts with Blackwater rose to
1 billion
Erik Prince did not want
To show his face
Attempted to adjourn the meeting in protest before it started
Blackwater tried to
Cover their tracks with smoke bombs
The theme is
Unaccountability in a privatized war
Under potential prosecution, mercenaries would be
Put in a car and snuck out of the country
Blackwater guys would not give
Their information to the Iraquj officials
Blackwater is protected under
The State Department
Because of the number of private contractors in Iraq, when told to go the the green zone, it became the
Green Zoo
No private contractor has ever
Been charged with any crime against an Iraqi
The mission of Balckwater was to
Protect the occupation officials by any means necessary
Blackwater reported to
The white house
The occupation of Iraq would have been without them
Corporations can deliver services
Better than government can
With Blackwater, US soldiers can
Make more money and shoot more people
The State Department neither
Covered for the company nor questioned how many Iraqis had died
The FBI inquiry made sure that that statements of Blackwater guys
Could not be used to have them charged
Many Iraqi families refused
Money compensation
Blackwater benefits financially from its willingness to
Kill innocent bystanders
Blackwater depends on this to survive
War and conflict