Week 12: Optical Instrumentation Flashcards
Human eye is comparable to the design of a photo camera name the comparability of these below: iris, cornea & lens, retina, brain
Iris = aperture stop
Cornea & lens = objective lens
Retina = photo sensor
Brain = image processing computer with algorithms
In contrast to a photo camera….
- The eye is not centred at a common axis
- Performance of the ‘light sensors’ are different
-The resolution of the camera’s detector is higher in the central retina than the peripheral retina
Describe Entrance & Exit Pupils
- Cornea forms an image of the pupil (aperture stop)
- Exit pupil of the eye is the image of the same aperture stop formed by the lens;
- E is the centre of the entrance pupil and E’ is the centre of the exit pupil
- Marginal ray passes through the edge of the lens
- Chief ray passes through the centre of the aperture stop (pupil)
Describe Visual axis
The line between the fixated point 01 and fovea by nodal points N and N’
Describe Nodal ray
The angle to the ray’s incident on the optical axis is equal to the angle to the refracted part
Describe Object & image distances
Are measured from primary & secondary principal planes
Describe Cross section of the primary & secondary plane
At the optical axis are called Primary (P) and secondary (P’) principal points
Describe Line of sight
Line between the fixated point 01 & centre of entrance pupil E
Describe Pupillary axis
Line passing thorough entrance pupil & perpendicular to the corneal surface
Describe Optical axis
Line connecting centre of refracting/reflecting surfaces, cornea, pupil, lens, retina
Describe Kappa k
Angle between the optical and visual axis, usually 5°
Describe Fixation axis
The reference axis for eye movements, determined by object point 01 & centre of eye rotation (C)
Describe how speed cameras operate briefly
- Detect the speed of vehicles by using piezo electronic detectors embedded into the road surface or RADAR & LASER technology
- The piezo detectors deflect slightly when a vehicle is driven over the detectors, which then triggers an electronic device that accurately measures the speed of the vehicle
Describe Fixed Speed Cameras
- Fixed speed cameras can monitor 1 to 4 lanes in the same direction
- The original recorded images are stored electronically on a WORM (Write Once Read Many) disk, which cannot be overwritten or altered
What is Gatsometer Digital Rader Camera System – Parabolic (DRCS-P)?
- RADAR technology is used to measure how fast a vehicle is travelling & to trigger the camera into act
- If a vehicle is driving above the road speed limit then two photos are taken in quick succession
- It is a legal requirement to have a secondary measurement for speed