Week 11 part 2 Flashcards
What is a patent?
- A bargain between the state and the inventor
2. The inventor has to supply full and complete disclosure of the invention
How long does it take to develop a drug?
10-12 years
What is a patent different from?
- Trade mark
2. Copy rights and design
For a trade mark what can you think of?
A logo
What are patents described to be?
What is the price range of filing an initial patent?
- Not expensive
- Between £1,000 - £5,000
- When you file it around the world, the cost goes up
What happens when you file a patent in one country?
- Once it is published, it is public disclosure and no one else can buy it
Where does UK patent have no effect?
Outside the UK
What does a person have to apply for?
Patent protection in each country around the world
What is the process of filling and grant of a patent?
- Date of filing (priority date if no priority claimed)
- Preliminary examination - formal examination
- Search
- Publication (18 months from priority date)
- Substantive Examination - a conversation between examiner and applicant - back and forth - tenacity is to claim everything
- Grant
What are the basic requirement of a patent?
- Novelty i.e. the invention is new
- Inventive step i.e. the invention is not obvious
- Capable of industrial application
- Not excluded subject matter
What are examples of Novelty?
- Section 2, UK patent Act, Art. 54, PC, Art.27(1), TRIPS
- Article 54-
- Prior state of art
- New use of an old thing allowed
- New advantage of an old thing
Section 2, UK patent Act, Art. 54, PC, Art.27(1), TRIPS
- State of the art: what is known by someone who is familiar with it
- The knowledge of the product
- What knowledge is available to a person’s skills of art
What does the Article 54 state?
- An invention shall be considered to be new if it does not form part of the state of art
- The state of the art shall be held to comprise everything made available to the public by means of written or oral description, by use in any other way, before date of filling of European patent application
What is prior state of art?
- Everything made available to the public by means of written or oral description, by use or any other way before filling date of application
What is one way of extending the patent life of original idea?
If you patent a technique, and patent it for using one area, you can come and patent it in a new area because things have been discovered thats going to be useful in that area aswell
What are the following things that are patentable?
- New things (product)
- New processes
- New uses for old things
- New advantage of old things used in an old way
- Selection patent
What is the priority date?
The date on which the novelty of the invention is judged
What is prior art?
Something which existed in the state of art before the priority date of invention
What is anticipated?
Some piece of prior art exist which affects the novelty of the invention
What is the consequence of anticipating an invention?
It must be made available to the public
What are possible fetters?
- Non-disclosure agreement
2. Duty of confidence