Week 11 Kalimat Dasar Flashcards
Excuse me a moment, Pak.
Permisi sebentar, ya, Pak.
Let’s ask that man (“first”) the way (“where the way is”) to the market…
Mari kita tanya dulu orang itu mana jalan ke pasar…
Which is the way to the market, Pak?
Mana jalan ke pasar, Pak?
Oh, from here just go straight to the station.
O, dari sini terus saja jalan ke stasiun.
There, turn to the right.
Di sana, belok ke kanan.
There’s [where] the market is.
Di situlah pasarnya.
Is it (“still”) far (“to there”), Pak?
Apa masih jauh ke situ, Pak?
It’s very close.
Dekat sekali.
Thank you, Pak.
Terimah kasih, Pak.
You’re welcome.
Upon Arriving at the Market
Sesampainya di Pasar
Here we are at the market.
“That is it, the market.”
Itu dia, pasarnya.
Oh, this is the market. What are those things there? (“That, what is that there?”)
O, ini pasarnya. Itu, apa itu di sana?
Oh, those are cupcakes. Pak, how much are those cupcakes?
O, itu kue mangkok. Pak, berapa kue mangkoknya itu?
Four [for] a hundred.
Empat seratus.
Wow! Two for forty, okay?
Wah! Dua empat puluh, ya?
Okay. (“Yes, may/can.”)
Ya, boleh.
Take [them].
Here are two.
Ini, dua.