week 11 from slides - reporting quality and governance Flashcards
what are some questions to assess the financial reporting quality
does the financial reporting provide relevant faithfully information that represents the economic reality of the company’s activities and financial position?
does it mitigate the agency problem between investor and manager/board of Directors and manager/ problem in debt contracting
if the reported earnings sufficient and sustainable?
what’s the spectrum of financial report quality
no sustainable earnings - 1 time gains and losses
biased choice (unintentionally alter earnings)
- choice of depreciation method, inventory valuation, optimism about bad debt allowance, estimation of contingent liabilities
earnings management (intentionally alter earnings)
- real earnings management - overproducing, cut discretionary expenses, delay maintenance
- accrual earnings management (alters accounting estimates or policies, allowances, etc)
how to measure financial reporting quality
- earnings properties
- accruals residuals, income smoothing, target beating marginally, others - external indicators
- accounting and auditing enforcement release (AAER), restatement, audit opinion, change of CFO, resign of auditor
what do accruals measure
measure the difference between net income and OCF, representing revenue or expenses recognized before corresponidng cashflow occurs
earnings = cashflows = accruals
what are residuals
represent management discretion or estimation errors, both of which reduce decision usefulness. Higher residual represent lower earnings quality
what’s income smoothing measured by
income smoothing is measured by variation in net income relative to the variation in operating cash flows - a lower relative variation in net income is evidence of income smoothing
why do firms do restatements
necessary when it’s determined that a previous statement contained a material inaccuracy
what are the 4 types of audit opinions
- unqualified - clean opinion
- qualified - minor issues
- Adverse - significant misstatement, unreliable
- disclaimer - unable to form an opinion
What’s insider trading
trading of a public company’s stock or other securities by company insiders
insiders = directors and officers of the company and shareholders with 10% or more of the company’s outstanding stock
insider trading must be disclosed within 2 days of trading through SEC form 4: statement of changes in beneficial ownership
what are the categories of insider trading
- liquidity trading - sell stock regularly or rebalance portfolio
- informed trading - earnings abnormal return based on material non-public information
what’s a related party transaction
a transfer of resources, services or obligations between related parties regardless of whether a price is charged
related parties = execs, directors, major shareholders and their direct family members
transactions involving related parties cannot be presumed to be carried out on an arm’s length basis
RPTs = investment red flag
how to control related party transactions
internal governance - RPT policy; no RPT, written or not, RPT review authority
accounting standards - ASC 850, IAS 24
auditing standard - AS 18
SOX - mandate effective internal control, prohibit loans to executives
disclose the nature of the related party relationship, the parties involved (include entities, individuals, or close family members), describe the transaction (amounts, terms and conditions), describe the impact on balance sheets