Week 11- Fixed Appliances Flashcards
Who developed the first fixed appliance?
Pierre Fauchard
What is E-arch?
First fixed appliance developed by Angle, based on Fauchard appliance. Still could only achieve tipping movements.
What is pin and tube appliance?
- Band fitted around teeth which were engaged with pins and soldered onto labial arch wire.
- Very difficult to adjust.
- First bodily movement for fixed appliances (couple)
What is edgewise appliance?
- Better control of tooth position then ribbon arch
- Basis for modern bracket we still use today.
- Can have backwards, forwards, rotation, tipping, up and down movements
What are the movements for edgewise appliance
Back and forwards
Up and down
What are limitations for edgewise appliances?
- High forces used
- Very time consuming to bend first, second and third order movements for each tooth in arch wire
What did Tweed and Begg both discover when treating with solely edgewise appliances?
There was relapse when using edgewise system if there was not enough room in arch. Began re-treating cases with premolar exo’s.
What are advantages of Begg appliance?
- Low force
- Quick
- Efficient at treating exo cases
- Less time consuming than edgewise appliance.
What are bands and bonding?
- Bands are rings encircling a tooth to which attachments are soldered or melded
- Prior to adhesive dental materials
- Now only used for molars (sometimes)
What are advantages of NiTi wires?
- Has elastic properties
- Will return to its original shape when bent
Andrews 6 keys to normal occlusion*
- D surface of upper molar occludes with M surface of MB cusp of the lower 2nd molar (molar has to be tipped properly in Angles class I)
- Correct crown angulation
- Correct crown inclination (B-L)
- No rotations
- Tight contacts (no spaces)
- Flat occlusal plane
What are advantages of straightwire appliance (pre-adjusted edgewise appliance)?
- No more wire bending
- Simple
- Easy to use
- Most popular appliance system today
- Equivalent tx times to Begg
What are components of fixed applainces?
Arch wires
What are issues with ceramic brackets?
- Difficult to debond
- High friction
- Brittle
- Tooth wear of opposing teeth
What are steps in straightwire appliance?
- Levelling and aligning- NiTi (more flexible and soft)
- Gross tooth movement- stainless steel (more rigid)
- Finishing/detailing- stainless steel
How many dimensions are there for rectangular vs round wires?
- Rectangular- 2 sizes
- Round- 1 size
What is the Begg Appliance?
- Modified Angle’s ribbon arch bracket and turned it upside down
- Round wires tip crowns into correct position then springs upright roots
What is the timeline of fixed appliances?
- E-arch
- Pin and tube appliance
- Ribbon arch appliance
- Edgewise
- Begg appliance
- Straightwire appliance