Week 11 ageing a Flashcards
Demographic Transition
The change in the percentages of the population of age
Demographic of Old people in the UK
➢ 1951: UK, 5 million aged 65+
➢ 2012: UK, 9.4 million aged 65+
➢ 2017: 17% of UK population is expected to be older than
➢ 2035: 23% of UK population is expected to be older than
➢ Proportion of those aged 80+ is set to rise from 4% of
population today to 9% in 2051
➢ In contrast the 16-39 age group is set to decline from
36% to 28%
➢ The number of births in the UK between 1944 and 2014 dropped from 900 thousand to 700 thousand.
swedish mefian Age
1900 2000 2050
29y 39y 43y
=> The median age is increasing
=> The Society is “ageing”
(2. Demographic Transition)
Babies from the baby boom time have now grown older
➢ After 2nd World War
➢ There was observed a
dramatic increase in the number of births between 1946 and 1964
➢ The increase is attributed to economic growth, political stability and feelings of certainty
(2. Demographic Transition)
Decrease in fertility rates
➢ The number of births has dropped in recent time
➢ Why?
➢ People delay childbirth to attain higher education and pursue a career
➢ Children are not labour hands as they used to be, but they stay with (or supported by) their parents until their late 20s
after they finish their university studies
(2. Demographic Transition)
Decrease in mortality rates
Whats the result of Decreased mortality?
➢ Infectious and communicable diseases have been medically
➢ Better life conditions (e.g. access to more nutritious diet, clean dinking water)
➢ Advances in modern biomedcine has turned diseases into chronic conditions
=> Decreased mortality resulted in higher life expectancy in modern societies
Life expectancy UK
➢ Life expectancy at birth
was 40 for men & 42 for
➢ Probability of survival to
age 55 was 40%
➢ Probability of survival to
age 75 was 15%
Life expectancy UK
➢ Life expectancy at birth
is 79.2 for males & 82.9
for females
➢ Probability of survival to
age 55 is 95%
➢ Probability of survival
to age 75 is 68%
as a trend toward a more. rectangular shape of the survival curve due to increased survival and concentration of. deaths around the mean age at death
Common chronic illnesses among the elderly (stats)
➢ At the age of 65, older people are likely to live 40% of their remaining time with a condition or disability (Ageuk, 2016)
➢ They are likely to have co-morbidities
➢ Chronic co-morbidities are a challenge for health-care system, economies, the elderly themselves and their
Common chronic illnesses among the elderly
➢ Cardiovascular ➢ Stroke ➢ Cancer ➢ Osteoarthritis ➢ Diabetes ➢ Mental Illness/ Dementia ➢ Conditions from Falls
The elderly are likely to experience the following social conditions?
affect on old people?
➢ Poverty ➢ Living alone ➢ Discrimination (Ageism) ➢ Difficulties with transportation and access to social services ➢ Social isolation and rejection ➢ Dependency
> > Such social disadvantage worsen the elderly’s physical and psychological well-being as well as the management of health conditions
Active elderly and health
➢ We should not assume that all older are chronically ill and frail
➢ There are many older people who are healthy, active and have multiple roles
➢ 10% in work, 20% as learners, 48% in social activities, 73% in leisure activities in the last two weeks, 12% as carers
stuff that can help elderly people Health and Mortality rates
➢ Physical activity
➢ Religion and spirituality associated with good
health – social interactions
➢ Work
➢ Volunteering
=> All of the above are associated with good health and lower mortality rates
=> In general, be mentally, socially and physically active
➢ Modern societies have experienced demographic transition
➢ Societies are ageing due to the baby booming, decreased mortality and fertility
➢ The elderly experience chronic conditions and comorbidities
➢ The disadvantaged social conditions the elderly
experience deteriorate their physical and psychological
➢ Mental, social and physical activity benefit the elderly’s health