Week 10 - Neural Networks, Artificial Life & Cellular Automata Flashcards
How can neural networks be adapted for dynamic/temporal/sequential data?
Using a shifting time window to predict the future from recent past - recurrent neural networks
Describe the structure of a recurrent neural network (RNN). Give an example of an RNN.
Similar to MLPs but also have connections from activity in a previous time step, so have a short term memory
Many possible types, e.g. Hopfield and Jordan-Elman
What might backpropagation though time lead to?
No convergence and developing chaotic behaviour
What are the aims of supervised learning and unsupervised learning?
Supervised - find a function fitting examples
Unsupervised - find regularities in inputs
Name 3 types of unsupervised learning.
Clustering, density estimation, dimensionality reduction
What do SOMs (Self-Organising Maps) aim to do?
Learn to map points from a high-dimensional space to a low-dimensional (discrete) space (2D or 3D) in a way to preserve topological properties (spatial relations) via unsupervised learning
What do SOMs (Self-Organising Maps) aim to do?
Learn to map points from a high-dimensional space to a low-dimensional (discrete) space (2D or 3D) in a way to preserve topological properties (spatial relations) via unsupervised learning
What are some working assumptions of SOMs?
Input data that belongs to the same class shares some common features
SOM will possibly be able to identify these key features across a number of data points
SOM will be able to organise/order meaningfully the input data according to a given 2D/3D structure
How does SOM work?
There are as many input nodes as “features” in the data
Input nodes are connected to a “map” of interconnected nodes
Every node in the output map is connected to every input node via weighted edges
Every input pattern is a point in a high-dimensional space
Every input is made to correspond to a node in an output map via a competitive process among nodes on the output space
The winner is the node whose weights have the smallest (Euclidean) distance to input pattern
Once the network has been trained, nodes next to each other in output space will be related
The “clusters” then have to be labelled (often manually) through observation of the input data and output node
What are some applications of SOM?
Speech recognition (originally used)
Data visualisation
Pattern recognition
Speech analysis
Industrial and medical diagnostics
Data mining
What is artificial life (a-life)?
The study of man-made systems that exhibit behaviour characteristics of natural living systems
What does a-life’s bottom-up approach mean?
The opposite approach to biology - works from molecules up to organisms
What are the 3 levels a-life is conducted at?
Wetware (using bits from biology (e.g. RNA, DNA) to build new types of organisms (Synthetic Biology)
Hardware (for instance, autonomous and collective robots (Swarm Robotics)
Software (simulating biological systems)
What are the 2 philosophies of a-life?
Weak a-life: computer simulations are just that, simulations and investigations of life
Strong a-life: life is not just restricted to a carbon-based chemical process - life can be “created” in silico
Who and when was cellular automata originally devised by?
Stan Ulam and John von Neumann in the late 1940s
What is cellular automata?
Originally devised as a method of representing a stylised universe, with rules (e.g. laws of thermodynamics) acting over the entire universe
In terms of a-life, it’s a demonstration of emergence: complex global behaviour emerges spontaneously from local interactions following simple rules
What does cellular automata consist of?
An automaton consists of a grid/lattice of cells each of which can be in a (small and finite, normally binary) number of states
What can an automaton be?
1D (just a line of cells)
2D (a square of cells)
3D+ (there is no limit to dimension numbers)
Toroidal (cells “wrap around” to the other side)
Describe the execution of cellular automata (CA).
The CA “runs” by changing the states of the cells by the state transition rules
These state transition rules depend on the state of the cell and its neighbours
Every cell in the automaton has its rules applied before the automaton is updated
Each timestep of the automaton can be seen as a system configuration for that particular snapshot in time
What are 2 popular CA neighbourhoods?
von Neumann (1 square to the top, left, right and down)
Moore (1 square to diagonals too)
What are the rules of Conway’s Game of Life?
If a cell is off (state 0), and exactly 3 of its neighbours are on (state 1), then that cells becomes on (state 1) in the next timestep, otherwise it remains off
If a cell is on and either two or three of its neighbours are on then the next timestep, that cell remains on, otherwise it is turned off
Name some stationary results of Conway’s Game of Life.
Block, beehive, loaf, boat
Name some oscillating results of Conway’s Game of Life.
Blinker, toad, beacon, glider, lightweight spaceship
What are 3 important properties of CA?
Localism (states are updated based on the properties of the neighbourhood)
Parallelism (the state of every cell is updated in parallel)
Homogeneity (the same set of rules is applied across the automaton)
What is Wolfram’s proposed classification scheme criteria for CAs?
- Evolution leads to a homogeneous state
- Evolution leads to a set of separated simple stable or periodic structures
- Evolution leads to a chaotic pattern
- Evolution leads to complex localised structures, sometimes long lived
What are some applications of CAs?
Modelling spatial processes (e.g. forest fires, disease spread)
Modelling physical processes (e.g. crystal formation, thermodynamics)
Modelling biological processes (e.g. pattern formation, self-replication, enzyme kinetics)
Solving computational problems (e.g. random number generators, ciphers)
Parallel processing architectures (e.g. systolic arrays, connection machine)
What is the learning algorithm for SOMs?
Initialise network (set weights to small random values, define (large) neighbourhood size)
Sample random input vector (x(t)) from training set and present it to the network
Compute Euclidean distance of each output node j from the current input
Find the node closest to the input (BMU - Best Matching Unit)
Adjust the weights of BMU and its neighbours
Repeat until output map stops changing
What are the variables that change over time in a SOM? How do they work?
Learning rate - determines the magnitude of weight updates during learning. It controls the speed at which the network adapts to the input patterns. Typically, the learning rate starts high and gradually decreases over time. This reduction helps the network converge to a stable and refined representation of the input data.
Neighbourhood radius - defines the extent of influence that the BMU has on the neighbouring neurons during weight updates. Initially, the neighbourhood radius is set to encompass the entire map, allowing global exploration. As the learning progresses, the radius gradually decreases, focusing on smaller local regions of the map. This reduction in neighbourhood radius promotes fine-tuning and better differentiation of clusters or patterns within the input data.