Week 10: Decision Making Flashcards
What are the 3 types of muscles?
1) Smooth Muscles
2) Skeletal (striated) Muscles
3) Cardiac Muscle
Where are smooth muscles usually found?
Found in intestines and other organs
What do smooth muscles consist of? What are they controlled by?
Consist of long, thin cells
Generally not under conscious control; under control of autonomic nervous system
What do skeletal (striated) muscles consist of? What are they controlled by?
Consist of long cylindrical fibres with stripes
Controlled by the central nervous system (CNS)
Where are skeletal muscles usually found and what do they control?
Help control movement in relation to the environment
Eg. muscles in arms and legs
Where is the cardiac muscle found?
Found in heart
What does the cardiac muscle consist of?
Consists of fibres that fuse together at various points
Fusion causes cardiac muscles to contract together, instead of independently
Each muscle is composed of many _____.
Muscle fibres
Each muscle fibre receives information from ____ axon(s). 1 axon may innervate ____ muscle fibre(s).
Each fiber receives information from only one axon, but one axon may innervate more than one muscle fiber.
What is the significance of the axon to muscle fibre ratio?
Axon to muscle fibre ratio:
Eg. Eye muscles – ratio of 1 to 3
Eg. bicep muscle – ratio of 1 to 100.
In eye muscles, 1 axon controls only 3 fibres. In bicep muscles, 1 axon controls 100 fibres. This means that the eye can move more precisely than the bicep.
What is the neuromuscular junction found in skeletal muscles?
A synapse where motor neuron axon transmit information to muscle fibres
At the neuromuscular junction, what neurotransmitter does the axon of the motor neuron release?
Every axon releases acetylcholine, which always excites the muscle to contract.
What happens when there is a deficit of acetylcholine or acetylcholine receptors at the muscle fibres?
movement is impaired
At the neuromuscular junction, depolarisation leads to the opening of _____.
voltage gated Ca2+ channels.
What happens after the voltage-gated Ca2+ channels are opened?
Ca++ flows into the cell, since it is attracted by lower concentration, as well as the negative membrane potential (ie. cell is more negative inside presynaptic neuron).
Entrance of Ca++ leads to fusion of vesicles filled with acetylcholine. Vesicles filled with acetylcholine is released to the synaptic cleft.
What happens after acetylcholine is released into the synaptic cleft?
Acetylcholine binds to a ligand-gated channel that is selective to positive charges. When this channel opens, Na+ flows in, and K+ flows out of the cell.
Inflow of Na+ leads to depolarisation of the membrane
Leads to opening of voltage-gated Na+ channels in the vicinity of the synapse. An action potential is hence generated in the muscle fibre, leading to its contraction.
What is a proprioceptor?
a receptor that detects the position or movement of a part of the body. Muscle proprioceptors detect the stretch and tension of a muscle and send messages to spinal cord to adjust its signals. The spinal cord sends a signal to contract it reflexively.
What are 2 types of proprioceptors?
1) Muscle spindle
2) Golgi tendon organ
Where is the muscle spindle located and what does it do?
Parallel to the muscle that responds to a stretch
When muscle spindle is stretched, its sensory nerve sends a message to a motor neuron in the spinal cord, which in turn sends a message back to the muscles surrounding the spine, causing a contraction.
How is the muscle spindle’s mechanism a negative feedback?
when a muscle and its spindle are stretched, the spindle sends a message that results in a muscle contraction that opposes the stretch.
Where is the golgi tendon organ located and what does it do?
Located in tendons at opposite ends of a muscle
Act as a brake against excessively vigorous contraction
Some muscles are so strong they could damage themselves if too many fibres contracted at once
It detects the tension from a muscle contraction.
Impulses travel to the spinal cord, where they excite interneurons that inhibit motor neurons.