Week 10 Flashcards
What is the kinetic theory of gases?
The kinetic theory of gases relates the observable or bulk
properties of gases - their pressure, temperature and volume – to
the motion of the molecules of the gas
What is the pressure of a gas cause?
It is caused by molecules of the gas bouncing of the walls of their container, which leads to a force being exerted.
What happens when a molecule bounces off a wall and what happens to its momentum at right angles?
Exerts a force on the wall and its momentum at right angles would be equal to the rate of change of momentum
What is the formula for the rate of change of momentum?
F = d(mu)/dt
When mass is constant:
When velocity is constant:
F = V x dm/dt
dm/dt: Change of mass over time
What is pressure in relation to molecules?
Pressure is the average force exerted by molecules on the walls / area of the wall
What is the formula for change in momentum and derive it?
Change in p = m0 x v
m0 = Initial mass
v = velocity
Formula for p before collision:
p = m x v
Fomula for p after collision:
p = - x m0 x v
What are the assumptions we make?
-The volume of the molecule is negligible since its very small
-Molecules behave like perfectly elastic spheres
-Molecules do not interact with eachother
-Duration of a collision
Derive slide 10