Week 10 Flashcards
Schemas, views, access controls
- All are ways of partitioning, segregating and controlling access to data within a database
- Why do we want to do this?
- Security – Prevent unauthorised access to read and (heaven forbid) modify data
- Usability – Presenting a simplified view of underlying data structures can make working with data easier, particularly for non –expert users
- Flexibility – partitioning according to users can allow experimentation without affecting other users
Database schemas
What’s a schema?
- A SQL database contains multiple objects such as tables, views, stored procedures, indexes, triggers etc
- A schema is a logical collection of database objects
- Loosely analogous to a namespace in languages such as Java, C#
- Note: this material focusses on ‘full’ SQL – some features may not be implemented in certain DBMS that implement a subset of full
SQL (such as SQLite)
How can we organise schemas?
- Logical grouping by object function
- Sales schema contains objects pertinent to sales dept
- Personnel schema contains staff objects
- Logical grouping by user
- Individual users/groups may be given their own space in a database
- E.g. each developer in a team may have their own ‘sandpit’ in a development database where they can make changes to their own set of objects without affecting other developers|
Schema partition by object domain
Schema partition by user – developers
working on ‘Sales’
Conceptual schema definition
- To create a schema:
CREATE SCHEMA [schema_name]
Authorisation [owner_name] - In our user based example:
Authorisation Carol - [owner_name] is (initially) only user able to create and access objects within the schema
- A user can be specified as belonging to a default schema
Conceptual schema definition 2
- To create tables for a schema explicitly
CREATE TABLE [schema_name].[table_name]
[table definition…] - To create tables for a schema implicitly
CREATE TABLE [table_name]
[table definition …]
* Default/current schema for defining user is used
Schema operations
- Can perform all our usual operations within a schema
Cross schema considerations
- Objects can have the same name in different schemas
- Sue.Customer, John.Customer
- To access an object outside of default/assigned schema specify the schema name
- For Sue:
- SELECT * FROM Customer, SELECT * FROM Sue.Customer are analogous
- SELECT * FROM John.Customer accesses the [John] schema
- Subject to access permissions
- Similar with Joins etc
- For Sue:
Schemas or databases
- A schema looks like a distinct database
- Many of the same operations can be
performed within both- E.g CREATE objects, assign permissions etc
- So why not have a separate DB instead of multiple schemas?
- Many of the same operations can be
- Database is the main physical container contains data and log files and all the schemas within it.
- All backup and restore operations are performed at database level
- Schema is a logical container
- Enables ease of permissions setting
- Decision whether to partition by schema or database (e.g SalesDB, PersonnelDB) needs to be taken based on specific organisational considerations
- A view can be thought of as a ‘virtual table’
- Does not necessarily exist in physical form
- As opposed to base tables whose tuples are actually stored in database files
- Views are used to ‘focus, simplify and customise the perception a user or group has of a database. Views can be used as security mechanisms by letting users access data through the view, without granting permissions to directly access the underlying base tables of the view
Creating a view
Building a view from base entities
Views 2
- If the same query is frequently executed on a database it makes sense to define a view based on results of the query and use a simpler query to retrieve tuples of interest from the view
- Particularly useful if the original query is complex – involving a number of joins
- Reducing need for querying users to specify join conditions reduces scope for error
- User can simply perform following query on OrderDetails
- SELECT * FROM OrderDetails WHERE CustNo = 12345
Views 3
- Views can be queried using same SELECT operations as base tables
- Join operations can be performed between views and tables
- Should we really do this?
- Views can improve DB security
- Provides a projection of specified base data items
- Can be a subset of a specific entity
- E.g. a StaffMember view may omit social security and other sensitive fields from underlying entity
- Can be a subset of a specific entity
- Provides a projection of specified base data items
Access control : security in SQL
Mandatory access control
- Level based access
- Each database object is assigned a classification level
- Levels form a strict ordering
- E.g. top secret > secret > confidential > public > not classified
- Each subject (users or programs) is given a clearance level
- To access an object, a subject requires the necessary clearance to read or write…
- See the Bell-LaPadula access control model (1974)
- Very few (no?) DBMS use this approach
- Why?
- Seniority vs. appropriateness of access
- Why?
Discretionary access control
- Each user is given appropriate access rights (or privileges) on specific database objects
- Users obtain certain privileges when they create an object and can pass some or all of these privileges on to other users at their
discretion - This is the approach used in SQL
Authorisation identifier
- A SQL identifier used to establish the identity of a user
- The DBA sets up your username and usually a password
- Other mechanisms exist for some DBMS, e.g Microsoft SQL Server trusted connections, which use underlying windows domain credentials
- Every SQL statement executed by the DBMS is performed on behalf of a specific user
Authorisation identifier
Access rights associated with a user determine:
- What database objects a user can reference and
- What operations can be performed by the user on which objects
- Each object created in SQL has an owner
- The owner is identified by the auth identifier defined in the authorization clause of the schema to which the object belongs
- Owner is initially the only person who knows the object exists and subsequently performs operations on that object
- ISO standard defines the following privileges among others
- SELECT – To retrieve data from a table/view
- INSERT – To insert new rows into a table, can be restricted to specific columns
- UPDATE – To modify rows of data in a table, can be restricted to specific columns
- DELETE – To delete rows of data from a table
- REFERENCES – To reference columns of a table named in integrity constraints, can be restricted to specific columns
Create table
- When you create a table you are the owner and have full privileges
- Other users have no access and must be granted privileges by the owner
- When you create a view you are the owner of the view, but you may not have full privileges
- You must have select privileges on the base table(s) to create the view in the first place
The grant command
Grant example
ON Staff
TO manager
- The user manager can now retrieve rows from the Staff table and also insert, update and delete
- The manager can pass these privileges on to other users
Revoking privileges from users
- The REVOKE statement can remove all or some of the privileges previously granted
- REVOKE [privilege_list | ALL PRIVILEGES ]
- ON object_name
- FROM [Authorization_list | PUBLIC]
Revoke example
ON Staff
FROM manager
- Remove all the privileges you gave to the manager on the Staff table
Role based security
- In most DBMS, typical approach is not to give permissions to individual users
- Instead define groups or roles based on the activities certain types of user enact
- E.g. Accounts, Sales, Managers, Auditors
- Allocated user to one or more groups as appropriate
- Grant object priviliges to each group as appropriate
- DBA is a special role – has full privileges over entire database
Security consideration #1
- Don’t over grant permissions
- Best practice as with all aspects of software development and system administration:
- Start with a totally locked down database and grant access as necessary
- Closing down an open system invariably leaves holes and security risks!