Week 1: Women's Health (Lecture 1) Flashcards
Average life expectancy for women is
80 years old
causes of death are related to ___ & ___
age and race
What is the cause of death in 15-24 y/o’s?
Accidents & Violence
Cause of death in 25-44 y/os”s
- heart disease
- cancer
- suicide
- accidents
- violence
- HIV (6th 25-34), 5th (35-44)
Cause of death in 45-64 y/os?s
- heart disease
- cancer
- liver disease
- DM
- accidents
- suicide
- violence
Cause of death 65 & up?
- heart disease
- cancer
5.pneumonia - accidents
Disease in White Women
- heart disease
- cva
- copd
4.all cancers except respiratory
5.pneumonia - flu
- accidents
- adverse events
- suicide
- hiv
Disease in Black women
- lung cancer
- liver cancer
- HIV (leading cause of death in women 25-34)
- homicide
- legal interventions
- DM
-Critical period in human development
-Complete physical growth and development changes
-Complete psychosocial development
-High risk behaviors
-In 2022, 16% of population 10-19
-14% of adolescents are pregnant before age 18
-51% of 12th grade students admit to sexual intercourse past three months
-Condom usage decreases by age
-Of the 30K + New HIV cases in the US, 51% were adults and adolescents in the south
Females begin puberty about 2 years earlier than males
Puberty is a response of the HPG axis
After puberty, the mature ovary takes over as the driving force of hormonal control in females.
Rapid physical growth begins start of puberty; menarche is the end point
Spans 8-14 years of age
Duration 18 months to 5 years
Growth spurt between 8-17, with peak time at age 12
Average duration 3 years
Females grow about 2 ½ to 5 inches and gain
8-20 pounds per year
Growth slows down after menarche
Weight gain is attributed to estrogen
Growth spurt precedes thelarche by 1 year
Thelarche and adrenarche are concurrent
External and internal genitalia develop into adult female proportions
Menarche final landmark of puberty
Begins 1-3 years after thelarche and with tanner stage 3 or 4
Early on menarche is anovulatory
Cycle is set within 3-4 years
Development for teens 11-13
Peer acceptance and conformity important
Normal with peer group
Concrete thinking
^interest in sexual processes but no desire
Sexual fantasies are common- guilt
Expresses through dress, body language, and curiosity
Development for teens 14-16
Most turbulent
Egocentric but self-esteem in relation to peers
Rebellion and mood swings to independence
Abstract reasoning but also immortality
Sexual energy is high with emphasis on physical contact
Development for teens 17-21
Full sexual maturity
Development of a sense of self and purpose
Relationships are becoming monogamous and intimate
Abstract reasoning skills fully developed
Achieves sociological maturity
Teens Health Issues & Risks: Nutrition & Eating Disorders
Needs increase due to the metabolic demand
Need sources of PRO, CA, Zinc, Fe
Eating disorders are compulsive overeating, anorexia nervosa, and bulimia
Overeating results in obesity, 1 out of 10
Eating disorders frequently begin subsequent to a emotional trauma
Menstrual disorders
Abnormal bleeding- Acute adolescent menorrhagia. Usually results from anovulatory cycle. Can progress to life threatening hemorrhage
Menstrual disorders
Dysmenorrhea: most common complaints of adolescence. Usually associated with onset of ovulatory cycles.
Sexually Transmitted Diseases
HPV – most common
Chlamydia – 28%
Gonorrhea – 22%
HIV – 7% are 13 - 24
Sexually Transmitted Diseases
Among teens with HIV diagnosis – 81% are male and 19% female.
Most are sexually active by the time they ever see a health care provider.
Need counseling regarding safe sex
Act for youth.net
Teen Pregnancy
Pregnancy rate (15-19) 17.4 per 1,000 females in 2018
16.7 per 1,000 females in 2019
Abortion rate (15-19) In 2020, 5.5 per 1000
Birth rate (15-19) 24 births/1000
Majority are unintentional (82%), minority intentional
60% in live birth, 26% abortion, and 14% miscarriage (2010)
Adolescents are at increased risk for perinatal complications
-6000 experiment and 3000 become smokers
-Don’t like it but want to fit in
-Know of risk factors but unconcerned
-Adolescent smoking has a negative correlation with academic achievement and a positive correlation with drugs and ETOH usage
Alcohol usage
-Still a problem but reached lowest levels in 2014
-35% reported one drink in the past thirty days (before survey)
-21% binge drinking
-Drunk driving has declined by 50% since 1991
2013 – 10% reported driving drunk and 22% rode with someone who was drunk (hss)
Caucasian – more likely to drive drunk
Act for youth.net
Illegal drug abuse
Substance free is increasing – 52% high school and 85% 8th graders were substance free 30 days.
Marijuana – most common. 23% past thirty days; 1% 8th graders are daily users – 6% 12th graders
Overall street drugs are declining but prescription drug abuse is increasing
Illegal drug abuse
Lifetime use - prescription drugs taken without a prescription (18%), inhalants (9%), hallucinogenics (7%), ecstasy/MDMA (7%), cocaine (6%), methamphetamine (3%), illegal steroids (3%), and heroin (2%)
Act for youth.net
___ is the 3rd cause of death after accidents in 15-24 year olds
___teens attempt suicide 4 times more than males
___ is associated with anger & depression
teen suicide
contributing factors for teen suicide?
-Divorce of parents.
-Violence in the home.
-Inability to find success at school.
-Feelings of worthlessness.
-Rejection by friends or peers.
-Substance abuse.
-Death of someone close to the teenager.
-The suicide of a friend or someone he or she “knows” online.
signs a teen may attempt suicide
Talks about death and/or suicide (maybe even with a joking manner).
Plans ways to kill him or herself.
Expresses worries that nobody cares about him or her.
Has attempted suicide in the past.
Dramatic changes in personality and behavior.