Week 1 > Warm Up Flashcards
What is a Graph?
- A set of objects 2. Relations between pairs of objects 3. A Graph G = (V, E)

u and v are End Points of e

What is the incident of Graph?

u and e are Incident
Draw adjacent u and v vertices

- Objects: {A,B,C,D}
- Relations: {{A,C},{D,A},{B,D},{C,B}}

What is the Directed Graph?
Draw: Objects: {A,B,C,D} A C B D Relations: {(A,C),(D,A),(B,D),(C,B)}
- It is often convenient to consider Directed Edges (Arcs)
- They describe asymmetric relations
- There is a flight from A to B, but not the other way around

Are these graphs the same?

Yes, both have 10 vertices and 15 edges
What is the degree of a vertex?

What is the degree of the graph?

Find the degree of a vertex

- The degree of v is 6: deg(v) 6
- The degree of v6 is 1: deg(v6) = 1
What are the isolated vertices?
- deg(v<span>2</span>) = ?
- deg(v8) = ?
- deg(v0) = ?

- deg(v<span>2</span>) = 2
- deg(v8) = 1
- deg(v0) = 0
Thus, v0 is isolated vertice.
- What is the regular graph?
- Is the graph is a regular graph?

- See attached
- Yes, since each vertex has the same degree

- What is the complement graph?

Can you complement of graph?

What are Graph Paths?

What is a simple path of the graph?
A simple path is a walk where all vertices are distinct.
A walk of length 6: (e1, e2, e3, e4, e5, e3, , e1)

A path of length 4: (e7, e6, e4, e5)

Is the path of length 4: (e7, e6, e4, e5) simple?

What are cycles in the graph?

What is the simple cycle?

Draw the cycle

Is this a simple cycle? If not, why?

No, since we visited v5 vertex three times through e4, e6, and e<span>7</span>
Why is the simple cycle of length 4: (e5, e4, e2, e3)?

Because visited each vertex only once
What are the connected graphs?
A graph is called connected if there is a path between every pair of its vertices
What is a connected component of a graph?
A connected component of a graph G is a maximal connected subgraph of G
Can you mark or color all vertices of the graph making connected components?

What are undirected edges? Edge {u, v}

Draw Arc (u,v)
The order of vertices matters in braces

What is the indegree of a vertex v?

What is the outdegree of a vertex?

Can you find the indegree and outdegree of v3?

Is (v1, v3, v2) path? If not why?

- What are weighted graphs?
- Is attached the example of weighted graph?

Yes, since its edges include driving time between a pair of edges
What is definition of a weighted graph?

Find the path from v1 to v6 vertices?