Week 1 Verbs ( Present Past Future) Flashcards
List the present tenses for SER
Yo soy - I am
Tú eres - you are
El/ella/usted - es
Nosotros - somos
Ellos - son
List past tenses for SER (imperfect)
Yo era - I was
Tú eras - you were
El/ella/usted era - he/ she / you were
Nosotros éramos - we were
Ellos eran - they were
List past tenses for SER (perfect)
Yo fui - i was
Tú fuiste - you were
El/ella/usted fue - he/she/you were
Nosotros fuimos - we were
Ellos fueron - they were
List future tenses for SER
Yo seré - I will be
Tú serás - you will be
El/ella/usted será - he, she, you will be
Nosotros seremos - we will be
Ellos serán - they will be
List present tenses for ESTAR
Yo estoy
Tú estás
El,ella está
Nosotros estamos
Ellos están
List past tenses (imperfect) for ESTAR
Yo estaba - I was
Tú estabas - you were
El, ella, usted estaba - he, she, you were
Nosotros estábamos - we were
Ellos estaban - they were
List past tenses (perfect) for ESTAR
Yo estuve - I was
Tú estuviste - you were
El/ella estuvo - he, she was
Nosotros estuvimos - we were
Ellos estuvieron - they were
List future tenses for ESTAR
Yo estaré - I will be
Tú estarás - you will be
El/ella estará - he, she will be
Nosotros estaremos - we will be
Ellos estarán - they will be
List the infinite, gerund and participle for ESTAR
Infinitive: estar
Gerund: estando
Participle: estado
List past (imperfect) tenses for TENER
Yo tenía - I had
Tú tenías - you had
El, ella tenía - he had
Nosotros teníamos - we had
Ellos tenían - they had
List past (perfect) tenses for tener
Yo tuve - I had
Tú tuviste - you had
El, ella tuvo - he, she had
Nosotros tuvimos - we had
Ellos tuvieron - they had
List future tenses for TENER
Yo tendré - I had
Tú tendrás - you had
El, ella tendría - he, she had
Nosotros tendremos- we had
Ellos tendrán - they had
List the infinitive, gerund and participle for TENER
Infinitive: tener
Gerund: teniendo
Participle: tenido
List the present tenses for HACER
Yo hago - I am doing
Tú hices - you are doing
El, ella hace - he, she are doing
Nosotros hacemos - we are doing
Ellos hacen - they are doing
List the past tense (perfect) for HACER
Yo hice - I did
Tú hiciste - you did
El, ella hizo - he, she did
Nosotros hicimos - we did
Ellos hicieron - they did