Week 1 - Topic 2 - Soil Texture Flashcards
What is Soil Texture?
Describes the relative proportions of sand, silt, and clay particles in soil
Important for determining water and nutrient holding capacity, soil aeration, drainage characteristics, workability, and susceptibility to compaction.
What are the sizes of soil particles?
- Sand (0.02 - 2.0mm)
- Silt (0.002 - 0.02mm)
- Clay (<0.002mm)
Sand is similar to beach sand, silt to talcum powder, and clay consists of small particles that stick together like modeling clay.
What are the advantages and disadvantages of Sands?
- Advantages: Good drainage, good aeration, easy to dig, not sticky
- Disadvantages: Low water holding capacity, leaches nutrients, poorly structured
Sands are classified as coarse textured.
What are the advantages and disadvantages of Clays?
- Advantages: High water/nutrient holding, well structured
- Disadvantages: Prone to waterlogging, reactive, slow air/water movement, hard to dig, compacts easily
Clays are classified as fine textured.
What are the characteristics of Loams?
Considered ideal soil mix with balanced properties between sand and clay
Loams are classified as mixed texture and are rare in Sydney.
What does the Texture Class Naming Convention indicate?
Last word indicates the main texture class; first word is descriptive of characteristics
Examples include ‘Sandy loam’ and ‘Loamy sand’.
What are the methods to determine soil texture?
- Particle size analysis (Laboratory method)
- Field texture assessment
- Settling method
These methods help in accurately assessing soil texture.
What are the steps in Field Texture Assessment?
- Remove grit/stones
- Wet the soil sample
- Knead it thoroughly
- Form a ball/bolus/sausage
- Observe texture characteristics
- Make a ribbon
- Compare to texture assessment chart
The texture characteristics can indicate sandy, clayey, loamy, or silty soils.
True or False: Changing soil texture is generally easy.
It is generally difficult to change soil texture due to mixing challenges.
Fill in the blank: Adding _______ can improve drainage.
Small area modifications can be done to improve soil characteristics.
Fill in the blank: Adding _______ can improve water holding capacity.
Loam is easier to mix with other soils than clay.