week 1 to week 3 Flashcards
What is pelvic inflammatory disease?
most serious complication of chlamydial infection
Pelvic inflammatory disease causes infection to
fallopian tubes, ovaries, and uterus
those with P.I.D are at risk for
ectopic pregnancy [fertilized egg implants outside the uterus], infertility, chronic pelvic pain
Those with P.I.D are at increase risk for
acquiring HIV
- Which contraceptive method best protects against STIs and the HIV?
Barrier methods- female and male condoms
A female client who has been sexually active for 5 years is found to have gonorrhea. The client is upset and asks the nurse, “What can I do to keep from getting another infection in the future?” Which statement by the client indicates that the teaching by the nurse was effective?
- “My partner has to use a condom all the time.”
Medication for gonorrhea
Antibiotic therapy: cefixime or ceftriaxone
gonorrhea can cause what type of harm to the fetus when born
what medication that treats chlamydia?
Azithromycin or amoxicillin if pregnant
What are the signs and symptoms of Hepatitis A
flulike symptoms with malaise fatigue, anorexia, nausea, pruritis, fever, and RUQ pain
What can be done for prevention of hepatitis A
HAV vaccination
Which Hepatitis virus is most threatening to the fetus
Hep B
Hep B is transmitted how?
parenterally, perinatally, rarely oral, intimate contact
Prevention for Hepatitis B consists of?
Vaccination series
Hep C is transmitted how?
Blood borne infection
Who is at risk for Hep C
Those who use IV injection drugs
Severe depression of the cellular immune system
associated with which disorder
HIV infection characterizes AIDS
Signs and symptoms of HIV
fever headache night sweats malaise generalized lymphadenopathy myalgias, nausea, D, weight loss, sore throat, and rash
How is HIV transmitted?
Primarily through exchange of bodily fluids
A male client asks the nurse why it is better to purchase condoms that are not lubricated with nonoxynol-9 (a common spermicide). Which response by the nurse is the most accurate?
Nonoxynol-9 does not provide protection against STIs as originally thought; it has also been linked to an increase in the transmission of the HIV and can cause genital lesions.
If consistently and correctly used, which of the barrier methods of contraception has the lowest failure rate?
Male condoms
An unmarried young woman describes her sex life as active and involving many partners. She wants a contraceptive method that is reliable and does not interfere with sex. She requests an intrauterine device (IUD). Which information is most important for the nurse to share?
The risk of pelvic inflammatory disease will be higher with the IUD.
Importantly, the nurse must be aware of which information related to the use of IUDs?
IUDs containing copper can provide an emergency contraception option if inserted within a few days of unprotected intercourse.
A young woman has been using oral contraceptives. When she misses her regular menstrual period, she visits the women’s health clinic and tells the nurse that she may be pregnant because she missed taking her contraceptive pills for 1 week when she had the flu. How should the nurse respond?
“You may be right. One of the reasons that an exact schedule is prescribed for birth control pills is that they have to be taken regularly to be effective
A woman who has just undergone a first-trimester abortion will be using oral contraceptives. To protect against pregnancy, the client should be advised to do what?
Use another method of contraception for 1 week after starting the pill.
A woman will be taking oral contraceptives using a 28-day pack. What advice should the nurse provide to protect this client from an unintended pregnancy?
Take one pill at the same time every day.
Which relevant drug history is appropriate for the client who had a dark complexion with brownish pigmentation over the cheeks, nose, and forehead during pregnancy, which faded and has recurred?
Which client would be an ideal candidate for injectable progestins such as Depo-Provera (DMPA) as a contraceptive choice?
The ideal candidate has difficulty remembering to take oral contraceptives daily.
A client currently uses a diaphragm and spermicide for contraception. She asks the nurse to explain the major differences between the cervical cap and the diaphragm. What is the most appropriate response by the nurse?
The cervical cap can be safely used for repeated acts of intercourse without adding more spermicide later.
Which nonpharmacologic contraceptive method has a failure rate of less than 25%?
Standard days variation control
Which statement made by the client correlates with a probable pregnancy?
“I can feel my uterus contract, but it does not hurt.”
Probable signs are what who can see or hear
what the doctor or nurse can see
P.r.o.b.a.b.l.e stands for
positive test returning of the fetus, objective, braxton hicks, A soften cervix, Blue vulva or cervix, Lower uterine segment becomes soft, Enlarged cervix
Presumptive signs are what who can see or feel
what mom can feel
p.r.e.s.u.m.e stands for
period absent, really tired, enlarged boobs, sore breasts, urine frequency/urge, movement perceived, emesis/nausea
Which laboratory finding indicates that the female client is pregnant?
Increased levels of human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG)
Which technology to test for human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) is used in over-the-counter (OTC) pregnancy tests?
Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA)
Which is a positive sign of pregnancy when teaching a client about the presumptive, probable, and positive signs of pregnancy?
Fetal movement palpated by the nurse-midwife
Which changes are considered the presumptive signs of pregnancy?
Fatigue, quickening, amenorrhea
Which presumptive signs (felt by the woman) or probable signs (observed by the examiner) of pregnancy are matched with another possible cause?
Amenorrhea: stress, endocrine problems
Quickening: gas, peristalsis
Chadwick sign: pelvic congestion
Urinary frequency: infection
Postive signs equal
Fetus stands for
fetal movement, EFM heart tones, The baby, Ultrasound detection of baby, seeing visible movement
Which represents a positive sign of pregnancy?
Fetal heartbeat auscultated with Doppler/fetoscope
To prevent anemia, how much iron should you intake daily?
A nurse is counseling a pregnant client with iron-deficiency anemia about when and how to take supplemental iron. What time of day and with what drink is iron absorption most efficient?
Before breakfast with orange juice
You should increase your iron intake by how much
double intake during pregnancy
G T P A L stands for
g= number of pregnancy, T= number of 37 + weeks pregnancies, P= number of 20 to 26 week pregnancies’, A= number of abortions/miscarriages, L= number of living children
Implantations occurs when?
2 to 3 weeks after sex
how much folic acid should you consume daily while pregnant
400 to 800mcb/daily
Which nursing intervention is appropriate to suggest for the pregnant client who has a history of miscarriage?
Eat a healthy diet including folic acid
Which preconception counseling interventions can decrease the incidence of spina bifida in the fetus?
Include a daily intake of 600 mcg of folic acid during pregnancy.
BMI for underweight is
18.49 and below gain 28-40 lbs
BMI for normal
18.5 to 24.9 gain 25 to 35
BMI for overweight is
25-29.9 gain 15 to 25
BMI for obese
above 30 gain 11 to 20
A 35-year-old client is taking combined oral contraceptives (COCs). What should the nurse instruct this client?
. “Avoid herbal supplements.”
Contraindications with oral contraceptive
a. OTC medications
b. Herbal- St Johns wort
c. Rifampin
d. DM
A woman taking an oral contraceptive pill (OCP) as her birth control method of choice should notify her health care provider immediately if she notes what?
Swelling and pain in one of her legs
What medication is used to treat GBS- Group B strep
Penicillin or ampicillin
TERATOWAS are teratogens agents and stands for?
Epileptic meds
Ace inhibitors
T lithium
Oral contraceptives
In reviewing the history of a woman who wants to become pregnant, which medication profile would indicate a potential concern relative to toxic exposure? Select all that apply.
A client being treated with an anticonvulsant is at risk for toxic effects during pregnancy. A client who is being treated with lithium is at risk for toxic effects during pregnancy. Coumadin can place a client Mat risk during pregnancy.
TORCH stands for
Toxoplasmosis Other infx Rubella Cytomegalovirus Herpes simplex virus
What is the function of amniotic fluid
Cushions baby, thermoregulation, promotes movement
How much amniotic fluid should there be?
At term 500-2000ml
ANF that is below 500 ml is called
oligohydramnios [less water]
ANF that is above 2000ml is called
A woman at 35 weeks of gestation has had an amniocentesis. The results reveal that surface-active phospholipids are present in the amniotic fluid. The nurse is aware that this finding indicates what?
Lung maturity
Upon reviewing the reports of a 12-week pregnant client, the nurse finds that the client has a low amniotic fluid volume. Which system does the nurse suspect to be affected in the fetus?
Renal system
A maternity nurse should be aware of which fact about the amniotic fluid?
It serves as a source of oral fluid and as a repository for waste from the fetus.
A client elects to have her pregnancy terminated after finding out at 16 weeks’ gestation that she is carrying a fetus with Down syndrome. What should the nurse conclude about an abortion at this stage of the pregnancy?
An opportunity for the client to express feelings about her decision should be provided.
A woman arrives at the prenatal clinic stating that her pregnancy test is positive. She asks the nurse for information about an abortion. After verifying that the woman is at 8 weeks’ gestation, the nurse counsels her that having an abortion is controversial and that many women have long-lasting feelings of guilt after an abortion. What is the nurse’s legal responsibility?
To provide the client with correct, unbiased information
A woman is 16 weeks pregnant and has elected to terminate her pregnancy. Which is the most common technique used for the termination of a pregnancy in the second trimester?
Dilation and evacuation (D&E)
Which statement is the most complete and accurate description of medical abortions?
They can be either elective or therapeutic.
Postabortion instructions may differ among providers regarding tampon use and the resumption of intercourse. However, education should be provided regarding serious complications. When should the woman who has undergone an induced abortion be instructed to return to the emergency department? (Select all that apply.)
b. Chills
c. Foul-smelling vaginal discharge
e. Severe abdominal pain
A pregnant client in the first trimester has developed pregnancy complications and undergoes a medical abortion. The nurse finds from the client’s blood reports that the client is Rh negative. What is a priority action by the nurse?
The patient is given Rho(D) immune globulin within 72 hours of the abortion to prevent Rh isoimmunization.
Which abortion technique is appropriate for a client during the 18th week of pregnancy?
Dilation and evacuation
Methotrexate is used for?
cytotoxic drug that causes early abortion by blocking folic acid in the fetal cells so that they cannot divide.
Which statement by the student nurse regarding therapeutic abortion indicates effective learning?
Therapeutic abortion may be performed for maternal health.”
Which nursing advice is appropriate for the 5-month-pregnant client reporting dizziness after waking up in the morning?
Try sleeping in the side-lying (lateral) position.