Week 1: Thermal Sensors Flashcards
List some different types of sensors and potential applications for them.
Process sensors: petrochemical, pharmaceutical, semiconductor industries to measure and control chemical reactions
Position sensors: aircraft, vehicles
Motion sensors: smartphones, security systems
Ergonomic sensors: tablets, PCs, phones
Chemical sensors: fire, toxic vapors
Electrical sensors: lab instruments, security sensors
Temperature sensors
Hydraulic sensors
Pneumatic sensors
Flow sensors: metering, mixture sensing
Capacitive sensors: touchscreens
Light sensors: adaptive lighting
Compare and contrast electrical motors with mechanical actuators.
Electrical motors convert electrical energy to rotary motion.
Mechanical actuators (gears, belts, lead screws, etc.) either boost up the torque or they convert the rotary motion to linear motion.
What are the three flavors of electrical actuators?
Electrical actuators come in three flavors: stepper motor, brushed DC motor, and brushless DC motors.
How does a stepper motor work?
A stepper motor has multiple coils organized in phases that cause the motor to rotate in very precise steps.
Energizing the coils sequentially is what allows the stepper motor to rotate in very precise steps.
Describe the way a brushed DC motor works.
Specifically, how does it get continuous rotation?
What is the downside?
A brushed DC motor has a coil that generates a magnetic field around an armature (the component of an electric machine that carries alternating current). One side of the armature is repelled by a north pole magnet and the other side is attracted to the south pole, causing rotation.
The rotation is caused by the opposing forces which cause the armature to rotate in one direction. As the armature rotates in that direction, the torque eventually goes to zero and the magnetic field of the armature attracts to the north and south poles. Reversing current to the armature causes that side to be repelled by the south pole, but attracted to the north pole. Reversing the current exactly on that half cycle creates your continuous rotation.
The down side is that the brushes in the motor wear rapidly and have to be replaced at frequent intervals.
Describe how a brushless DC motor works.
Brushless DC motors have permanent magnets rotating around a fixed armature. An electronic controller switches the phase to the windings allowing rotation within the motor.
What is an actuator? What four classes of actuators are used in automobiles, production equipment, and home appliances?
An actuator is a component of a machine responsible for moving and controlling a part of the system. It requires a control signal and a source of energy.
The four classes are hydraulic, pneumatic, electrical, and mechanical.
What is excitation in terms of a sensor?
Excitation is when power is applied to a sensor so that it produces a usable output.
What functions does analog circuitry provide to accomplish signal conditioning?
Analog circuitry excites, filters, and amplifies the raw sensor signal. This process is called signal conditioning.
After signal conditioning with the analog circuitry, where does the signal get sent next?
After signal conditioning in the analog circuitry, the signal is sent to an analog to digital converter, or ADC.
What happens to the data outputted from the ADC?
The data from the ADC is usually converted to a serial format such as I2C, SPI, or RS 232.
Why is signal conditioning circuitry usually located very close to the sensor?
Raw outputs of most sensors are easily corrupted. By moving the signal conditioning circuitry closer to the sensor, one can help shield against external interference.
How does the nScope compare to a typical bench top digital oscilloscope?
The nScope is not nearly as fast or accurate. It’s power supply can only provide a modest amount of current and the signal generator goes only to 10 KHz.
Describe a thermocouple.
A thermocouple consists of two wires made form dissimilar metals joined at the heated end or junction, and connected to circuitry at the other end. The voltage read by the circuitry is proportional to the temperature at the heated junction.
What are some pros of using a thermocouple?
Thermocouples can measure up to 1800 degrees Celsius. They’re versatile due to the high temperature span for a single device. They are popular in metallurgy and semiconductor processes.
Describe the basic principle of an RTD.
RTD stands for resistance temperature detector. An RTD works on the principle that the resistance of a metal increases as the temperature increases. The most commonly used metal for this is Platinum whose resistance increases nearly linearly with temperature.
Compare and contrast an RTD to a thermocouple. What applications might use an RTD?
While thermocouples can measure up to 1800 degrees Celsius, RTDs can only measure temperatures up to 800 degrees Celsius. However, RTDs are much more stable and more precise than thermocouples. This makes them a good choice for applications where accuracy and repeatability are important. For example, pharmaceutical and biotechnology industries.
Describe the principle of a thermistor. What are the pros and cons?
Thermistors are made of centered semi-conductor or metal-oxide particles. NTC thermistors exhibit a large decrease in electrical resistance for a relatively small increase in temperature, meaning they are severely non-linear.
Thermistors are very accurate and the small package size makes them ideal for measuring temperature in phones and computers.
What’s the only non-contact temperature sensor? What is it used for?
Infrared sensors are the only non-contact temperature sensors. They’re excellent for measuring very high temperatures safely from afar and as such are commonly used to measure temperatures in hostile environments.
An infrared sensor calculates the surface temperature of an object from that object’s emitted infrared energy.
Which sensors have the highest measurement range of all the thermal sensors?
Thermocouples have the highest measurement range of all the sensors.
What is the downside to thermocouples?
Thermocouples are subject to drifting over time because their metallurgical properties change with large numbers of thermal cycles. This means they need to be re-calibrated yearly.
How does the stability of RTDs compare to thermocouples?
Thermocouples must be re-calibrated due to drift, but RTDs are stabled over many years and don’t need to be re-calibrated yearly.
How do you null out the effect of lead length on the resistance measurement of an RTD circuit?
You have to use either a three or four wire RTD circuit in order to null out the effects of lead length.
What are some strengths and limitations of thermistors?
Thermistors have attributes similar to RTDs, namely they’re accurate, stable, and easy to package. However, they measure only up to 200 degrees Celsius and because of their highly non-linear behavior, they need a lot of programming to handle them in your embedded system.
What are some challenges for getting accurate temperature measurements with infrared thermometers?
To get accurate surface temperatures of objects with an infrared thermometer, you have to know the emissivity of the surface. You also have to make sure that the surface you want to measure is fully contained within the field of view of the infrared lens. This can be very challenging when you’re very far away from the object.
Most thermistors in use are NTC thermistors. What does this stand for and what does it mean?
NTC stands for negative temperature coefficient. This means that the resistance of an NTC thermistor decreases drastically as the temperature increases.
What is the base resistance of a thermistor?
The base resistance of a thermistor is its resistance at 25 degrees Celsius. The most common base resistances are 2252 Ohms and 10,000 Ohms.
What kind of accuracy can you get with good calibration of a thermistor?
With good calibration, you can get thermistor accuracies of .1 - .2 degrees Celsius.
What is the upper limit on thermistor range? Why?
Thermistors have a limited upper range and can only measure up to 200 degrees Celsius. They’re packaged in glass or epoxy which is what limits their upper temperature range.
What thermal sensor is commonly used for overheating protection in laptops, PCs, and smartphones?
Thermistors are commonly used for overheating protection in laptops, PCs, and smartphones.
What is a potential problem with using a simple voltage divider circuit to measure the resistance of the thermistor?
The measured resistance won’t be accurate unless you have an accurate voltage source and an accurate fixed resistor.
What is the typical temperature range for an RTD?
The typical temperature range for an RTD is -200 degrees Celsius to 800 degrees Celsius.
What does the European standard, DIN or IEC 60751, specifications tell you about RTDs?
It tells you that you should get a perfectly straight line for your plot temperature versus resistance.
What are the two types of specs for tolerances of RTDs?
Class A and Class B are the two types of specs for tolerances in RTDs.
Class A: 0.06 Ohms tolerance at 0 degrees C
Class B: 0.12 Ohms tolerance at 0 degrees C
What must you do to get a perfectly linear resistance versus temperature relationship for an RTD?
RTD resistance versus temperature curves are very nearly linear, but not exactly linear in reality. Therefore, in order to get it perfectly linear, you have to calibrate an RTD sensor.
When is an RTD a good choice of sensor?
RTDs are a good choice when you need a high-accuracy temperature measurement in the range of -200 - 800 degrees Celsius, and you want to just take the data without having to access it again for re-calibration. For example, in the space shuttle where you won’t be able to access the sensor again.
What kinds of industries and packages are available for RTDs?
Excellent repeatability of RTDs is useful for the pharmaceutical industry.
Measurement of gas or another air stream is another application. To minimize the speed of the response, you expose the bare RTD element to the gas.
RTDs come as surface mount components, stainless steel probes.
In what ways can you construct an RTD probe?
Board mount chips
Sensors with ring lugs to attach to a surface
Inside steel tubes
Inside sanitary heads with caps
What type of RTD do you use for to achieve the best accuracy?
Using a 4-wire RTD will give you the best accuracy because the actual resistance of the lead wires can be determined and removed from the measurement.
Describe a Wheatstone bridge and why it is used in an RTD circuit.
A Wheatstone bridge is widely used to measure electrical resistance. The circuit uses this instead of a simple current source, v_out, and RTD circuit because the v_out portion would need a lead wire with an unknown resistance that could cause large errors in the RTD measurements, affecting the accuracy.
The Wheatstone bridge used for an RTD consists of the Voltage source/supply, 3 fixed resistors arrange and the RTD arranged in a diamond.
A 3-wire RTD will have two lead wires, call them A and B, going to and from the RTD in the diamond. A and B are of equal length and the same metallurgy.
How do you linearize the RTD?
In order to linearize the RTD, you have to calibrate it to a fixed and more accurate temperature source at several points along the resistance versus temperature curve.
For -200-0 degrees C:
R_t = R [ 1 + At + Bt^2 + Ct^3(t - 100degreesC) ]
For 0 - 800 degrees C:
R_t = R [ 1 + At + Bt^2 ]
In a thermocouple, what is the voltage read at the heated end (or junction) proportional to?
For a thermocouple, the voltage read at the junction is proportional to the temperature at that end and the choice of the two metals used in the junction.
What type of thermocouple gives you a fast response time (under 1 second)? What is the downside to this?
Bare thermocouple wires range in diameter from .1-3mm and give very fast response times when heated. The downside is that they’re fragile.
What is a typical range for a thermocouple and what determines the range? What about measuring temps higher than typical?
The measurement range of thermocouples varies greatly depending on which allows you pick. The typical range is -200 degrees C to 1800 degrees C. You can measure up to 2300 degrees C by using a type C T/C with a Titanium sheath.
What does the ITS-90 standard list?
The ITS-90 lists the thermal electrical voltage for every pair of thermocouple allows at intervals of one degree C.
What is the most common type of thermocouple and why?
The most common type of thermocouple used is type K. It’s the most popular because of it’s broad temperature range and low cost.
What kind of thermocouple is good for jet engines? What about measuring cold temperatures on outer planets?
Type C is good for jet engines. For measuring cold temps, Type K and T would work.
What is typical thermocouple accuracy?
Typical T/C accuracy is ~1% of reading.
How can we approximate the Seeback voltage for small changes in temperature?
For small delta_T, you can approximate the Seebeck voltage by:
delta_V = b * delta_T where b is the local slope for the temperature change in degrees K.
When are thermocouples mostly used?
T/Cs are mostly used for low cost contact temperature measurements above 800 degrees C. This means heavy use in aerospace, heat treating, and metal forming. Injection molding is also a common application.
When you use different calibrations of thermocouples to measure a certain temperature you find that you get a different thermoelectric voltage. What does this voltage depend on?
The metallurgy chosen for the two leads of the thermocouple.
What does the law of intermediate metals say?
It says that when you insert a third metal between the two other dissimilar metals at an isothermal block, that your thermoelectric block won’t change.
Why is cold junction compensation needed?
Without cold junction compensation, when trying to measure the thermoelectric voltage of the T/C, you’ll have an additional junction of dissimilar metals introduced between the T/C and the measuring apparatus which won’t allow you to read the voltage correctly.
What changes do we make to allow for cold junction compensation in a T/C circuit and how does that allow us to get the temperature at the T/C junction?
We have to add an isothermal block to the circuit. We use a calibrated thermistor to measure the isothermal block temperature, and we convert that temperature to an equivalent thermocouple voltage.
We know that V_junction = V_source + V_isothermal so once we have obtained the thermoelectric voltage for the thermistor in the isothermal block, we can get the thermoelectric voltage at the junction. Then using that thermoelectric junction voltage, we can use the lookup table to find the corresponding temperature for that type of T/C.
Why did we introduce an isothermal block to replace the ice bath?
For three reasons:
- Using an ice bath was very inconvenient.
- The ice bath provided a way to measure temperature for type T thermocouples.
- The ice bath was useful only until all of the ice melted.
Which of the following is not a type of sensor in your smart phone?
Capacitive Touch Screen
What advantage does a thermocouple have over the NTC thermistor? (select all that apply)
It is more accurate than the NTC thermistors
It can measure lower temperatures than the NTC thermistor
It can measure higher temperatures than the NTC thermistor.
Its curve of temperature vs. voltage is more linear, and can be used without complex calibration.
It can measure lower temperatures than the NTC thermistor.
It can measure higher temperatures than the NTC thermistor.
Which of the following is true about an NTC thermistor?
It has an excellent accuracy of 0.1% - 0.2%
It is made out of transistors and memory circuits
The range: -100° to 300°C
Common base resistances are 20,000 Ω and 100,000 Ω
None of the above
It has an excellent accuracy of 0.1% - 0.2%
What is the Steinhart Hart Equation?
A highly nonlinear equation that models the behavior of thermistors.
Suppose we include the lead resistance in the calculation of temperature for an RTD. If R 3 = 5000 ohms, R a = 50 ohms, V 0 = 3 volts, and V = 6.5 volts, what is R? (Type in a one-decimal number.)
What happens if you don’t perform cold junction compensation in a thermocouple circuit?
The temperature reading will be inaccurate because you have no way to compensate the circuit for thermoelectric voltages created at the junctions of dissimilar metals.
In what temperature measurement applications are thermocouples used?
When a large number of measurement points are needed and you need to keep the total cost down. When it is acceptable to do periodic calibration checks. When measuring temperatures above 1400 degrees C. When accuracy of worse than 1% is acceptable.
You are using a 2252Ω thermistor, β = 3940, and you measure a resistance of 672.5 ohms. What is the temperature in °C that you are measuring?