Week 1 The Balance Sheet Flashcards
___ of a firm contains a list of its resources and of its sources of capital as of a particular day.
The balance sheet
___ is by far the most important financial statement.
The balance sheet
___ gives a picture of the financial position of the firm at a specific date.
The balance sheet
The balance sheet is also called ___.
the statement of financial position
The resources of the firm are ___; the sources of capital are the liabilities (L) and the owners’ equity (OE).
the assets (A)
The resources of the firm are the assets (A); the sources of capital are ___ and the owners’ equity (OE).
the liabilities (L)
The resources of the firm are the assets (A); the sources of capital are the liabilities (L) and ___.
the owners’ equity (OE)
___ : A = L + OE
the accounting identity
the accounting identity: ___
A = L + OE
___ are a) resources owned or controlled by the firm b) that are expected to generate future economic benefits and c) that arise from a past transaction or event.
Assets are a) ___ b) that are expected to generate future economic benefits and c) that arise from a past transaction or event.
resources owned or controlled by the firm
Assets are a) resources owned or controlled by the firm b) ___ and c) that arise from a past transaction or event.
that are expected to generate future economic benefits
Assets are a) resources owned or controlled by the firm b) that are expected to generate future economic benefits and c) ___.
that arise from a past transaction or event
Asset recognition: an asset is recognized in the balance sheet if a) ___ and if b) these benefits can be measured reliably.
it is probable that economic benefits will flow to the firm
Asset recognition: an asset is recognized in the balance sheet if a) it is probable that economic benefits will flow to the firm and if b) ___.
these benefits can be measured reliably
___ are a) present obligations of the firm b) arising from past events, c) the settlement of which is expected to result in outflows of economic benefits.
Liabilities are a) ___ b) arising from past events, c) the settlement of which is expected to result in outflows of economic benefits.
present obligations of the firm
Liabilities are a) present obligations of the firm b) ___, c) the settlement of which is expected to result in outflows of economic benefits.
arising from past events
Liabilities are a) present obligations of the firm b) arising from past events, c) ___.
the settlement of which is expected to result in outflows of economic benefits
Liability recognition: a liability is recognized in the balance sheet if a) ___ and if b) these benefits can be measured reliably.
it is probable that economic benefits will flow from the firm
Liability recognition: a liability is recognized in the balance sheet if a) it is probable that economic benefits will flow from the firm and if b) ___.
these benefits can be measured reliably
___ is the wealth of the owners in the firm. It consists of two elements: a) the capital contributed by them and b) the earnings generated by the operations and retained in the firm.
Owners’ equity
Owners’ equity is the wealth of the owners in the firm. It consists of two elements: a) ___ and b) the earnings generated by the operations and retained in the firm.
the capital contributed by them
Owners’ equity is the wealth of the owners in the firm. It consists of two elements: a) the capital contributed by them and b) ___.
the earnings generated by the operations and retained in the firm
___ = OE
A – L
A – L = ___