Week 1 Study Guide Flashcards
List 8 bones that make up cranium
What bones make up the zygomatic arch?
Ethmoid bone- name segments and anatomically how they relate to each other
Sphenoid bone- name segments and anatomically how they relate to each other
Meninges- name 3 layers, their location to each other, and function of each layer
Ventricular system- describe the circulation of CSF and each of the structures involved (start to finish: include production, ventricles, name all cisterns, and reabsorption)
Difference between gyri vs sulci vs fissure
Gray vs White Matter- describe each including their function
Major white matter tracts (3), their location, and their parts
Cerebral lobes (4)- name, and general function, some structures found within each
Basal Nuclei- made up of what main structures? List parts of main structures
What structures are involved (6) and their specific functions?
Limbic System-
Diencephalon—name components, anatomical location, and function
What are the common functional roles of the structures involved?
Limbic System-
Brainstem- name 3 major segments, describe anatomical location to each other, name structures on or within each segment and their function/ role
Circle of Willis- name major arteries that feed the brain and the arteries that form the circle
Feed anterior portion of the circle-
Feed posterior portion of the circle-
4 arteries that form circle-
Cerebellum arterial blood flow- 4 major pairs of arteries that arise off the vertebral or basilar arteries
Venous Drainage- describe venous blood return (include 3 deep vessels and all dural sinuses involved)
Cranial nerves- name all 10 w/ their CN # and their function