Week 1: Overview and Principles of Empirical Science Flashcards
descriptive statistics
how can we describe efficiently whether our language lab group outperforms the control group or not?
inferential statistics
how we can infer from a sample data characteristics of the population?
Types of empirical research
- descriptive research
- correlational research
- experimental research
- quasi-experimental research
descriptive research
describe a phenomenon
correlational research
relationships between phenomena
experimental research
causal relationships
quasi-experimental research
similar to experimental but with less control or no random allocation
Empirical cycle: 1. observation
an idea for a broad research question based on (any) observation
three characteristics of the knowledge acquisition process
- systematic empiricism
- public verification
- solvable problems (observable, testable)
empirical cycle: 2. Induction
induce (specific to general) general hypothesis/theory based on observation, answering the broad research question.
induction is fundamentally uncertain: it could be wrong
empirical cycle: 3. deduction
deduce (general to specific) a testable (measurable, falsifiable) working hypothesis/specific RQ from general hypothesis/theory
conceptual definition
what do we mean with a concept
general hypothesis
operational definition
how do we observe/measure/manipulate a concept/
working hypothesis
empirical cycle: 4. test
test working hypothesis by doing research
empirical cycle: 5. evaluate
what does result say about general hypothesis/theory?
independent variable
the variable manipulated in the experiment
dependent/response variable
expected to vary in response to the levels of the independent variable
total variation is the sum of deviations of all scores against the mean of all scores
division of variance into components
total variance = systematic variance + error variance
total variance
all differences between observations and grand mean
systematic variance
variation between groups
error variance
variation within groups
VAF(variance Accounted For)
systematic variance / total variance
range of effect size
- 0 -> no relationship, no variance can be explained by group
- 1 -> perfect relationship, all variance can be explained by group
Rule of thumb effect size (Cohen)
- small: 0.01
- medium: 0.06
- large: 0.14