Week 1 Nature of Accounting Flashcards
business structure with: one single owner; easy to form/start; limited life (owner is
alive); pass-through taxation (as personal income); not a legal entity; unlimited liability
sole proprietorship
business structure with: two or more owners; easy to form/start; limited life (all owners are living); pass-through taxation (as personal income); not a legal entity; unlimited liability
business structure with: one or more owners; can be public or private; more difficult to form; unlimited life (stock can transfer); separate legal entity; limited liability; double taxation
the usual business activity of a company (ex. sell products, provide services, conduct marketing, etc.)
operating activities
business activities having to do with the purchasing and/or sale of resources
investing activities
business activities having to do with debt or equity financing
financing activities
a language of business employed to communicate financial information based upon analyzing, recording, classification, summarization, reporting, and interpretation of financial statements
the recording of financial information in a
prescribed manner
the process of measuring economic activity in monetary terms and communicating results to users for the purposes of comparison and making business decisions
the accounting process
the subset of accounting that produces publicly available financial statements for external use by potential investors, shareholders, creditors, financial analysts, labor unions, trade associations, etc.
financial accounting
the subset of accounting that includes preparation of records/reports for tax filing, keeping track of annual legislative changes and taxing techniques/regulations
which may influence business decisions
tax accounting
the subset of accounting which includes generating internal reports and
analyzing data used for decisions
regarding operations by the marketing department, management team, finance department, etc.
managerial accounting
a network of conventions, rules, guidelines, and procedures for recording transactions and preparing financial statements. which forms the basis for comparison among financial statements of different corporations
Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP)
Financial Accounting Standards Board
U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission