Week 1 L1 Flashcards
What are the functions of the respiratory system?
- Transfer gases between air and the blood
- Regulation of the PH of the body
- Defense from inhaled pathogens
- vocalization
What are the structures of the respiratory system?
Nasal cavity
Larynx (sound)
vocal cords
Inspiration muscles
External intercostals lift ribs up and out
diaphragm lowers
all muscles active at breathing at rest
Muscles of expiration
Internal intercostals
Abdominal muscles
inactive when at rest
active when excersise
What is a Pleural sac?
Its a membrane that enclose the lungs it made of liquid so that lung doesnt rub against ribs but also keeps it from sticking to lungs.
has negative pressure and sucks lungs in.
What happens to the air as it goes through the airway?
- warms to 37C
- Humidifies 100%
- Filtered (by nose and cilia)
It is impostant because it gets the air ready for alveoli and they are very small and fragile
How Cilia that line the airway filters the air?
Goblet cells secret mucus and the cilia from the epithilial cells transport the trapped particles on mucus towards pharynx.
eventually goes to esophagus and killed in stomach acid.
1.filtering action of the nose
2.Mucous and action of cilia lining the airways
3.antiboodies secreted into respiratory sufaces
4.Macrophages in respiratory tract and alveoli
Immune cells secret antibodies and disable pathogens
Bifurcation in airway
1st birunfication-> R and L Main Bronchi
2nd-4th birunfication-> Lobar Bronchi (Have cartillege to maintain shape)
5th-11th birunfication-> Segmental Bronchi
12th-16th birunfication-> terminal bronchioles (Have bronchiolar muscles so can change shape)
All conduct airways and NO GAS EXCHNAGE
Functions to distrubute air to large surface ares of alveoli and LOWER AIR VELOSITY so more time to echange gases
What the region of gas exchange called and explain:
Called Primary Lobule
300 mill alveoli each 300mm diameter
Cross sectional area= huge 180cm2
air velocity =0
17-19-> a little of alveoli respiratory bronchioles
20-> alveolar ducts
21-23->alveolar sac
The Alveoli and their cells
Type 1 alveolar cells (large surface area)
Type 2 alveolar cells (produce surfactants to keep alveolar cells contact)
What type of gas exchange ahppens in alveoles?
Passive diffusion
(surfactat keeps it open)alveolar epithilium + fused basement membranes + edothilium =1.5
Blood Transportation to and from the lungs
- High flow (10% of blood volume )
- Low presure (25/8) (normal=120/8)
right atrium (from lungs)->Heart (right ventricle) -> pulmonary trunk -> pulmonar artery (go to lungs) -> pulmenary artioles ->CAPILLARIES ->pulmonary venules -> pulmonary veins (gather blood from lungs) -> heart left atrium -> left ventricle -> aorta -> rest of body
function of lungs required right side of the heart
Pulmonary congestion in heart failure
Lungs become anemic
in heart failure pulmonary conjuestion can happen meaning because cardiac output of the left side drops right side become harder (hypertrophic) and at some point plasma goes in lungs and lungs get fluid.
How do we measure lung function
Lung volumes
1.Vt= tidal volume 3-3.5 (normal quiet breathing)
2.IRV = Inspiratory reserve volume (beath in as much as you can )
3.ERV = Expiratory reserve volume (breath out as mcuh as you can)
4.RV= Residual volume (always present anatomical deadspace 1.5)
5.IC = Inspiratory capacity (Vt+IRV 3-6)
6.FRC = functional residual capacity = ERV+RV
7.VC= Vital capacity = (ERV+Vt+IRV or IC+ERV) (excersise 6-1.5)
8.TLC = Total lung capacity (everything )
Obstructive lung disease
RV is more
VC becomes less
Inspiratory restrictive lung disease
pulmonary fibrosis -less compliant lung
low TLC
low IRV
Expiratory restrictive lung disease
organ push diaphrasgm up
ERV low (when person laying down)
TLC lower
Forced expiratory volume and vital capacity
One big breath in and out during a time
FEV=Volume of air forcefully exhaled in 1st second
FVC= volume of air forcefully exhaled
FEV and FVC in obstructive lung disease like asthma
Normal = FEV=4 FVC=5 =80%
Obstructive = FEV=1.3 FVC=3.1 =42%
low FEV= problem with air escaping at high velocity
low FVC= problem with air escaping at all points
FEV and FVC in restrictive lung disase fibrosis
low FEV= 2.8 lung damage
Low FVC=3.1 low complaiance =90%