Week 1: Introduction to SCM and the course Flashcards
What is supply chain management?
management of the flow of goods and services including all process that transform raw materials into final products.
It means getting the right product (right quality and quantity) at the right time, to the right place, at the right cost
Name the two kinds of products?
- Functional products (staples)
- Innovative products (fashion, B&J, Nespresso, Apple)
Name three characteristics of functional products
- Stable, predictable demand
- Long life cycle
- Competition thus low profit margins
Name three characteristics of innovative products?
- Unpredictable demand
- High profit margins
- Short life cycle (few months), great variety
Name the two functions of a supply chain?
- Physical: focus of efficient supply chain
- Market mediation function: Focus of responsive supply chain. Products produced and offered meet customer demand effectively.
What are Fisher’s two supply chain strategies?
- Efficient
- Responsive
Mismatch causes problems
Name five operations strategies to compete in the market?
- Speed to market
- Responsiveness through configure to order
- Efficiency through outsourcing manufacturing and logistics
- Cost efficiency
- Efficient and reliable order fulfillment
Give an example company that uses a speed to market operations strategy and their customer value propopsition?
- Zara
- High fashion content at a reasonable price
Give an example firm that uses a responsiveness through configure to order operations strategy and their CVP
- Dell Direct
- Customer experience
Give an example company of a firm that uses an efficiency through outsourcing manufacturing and logistics strategy and their CVP?
- Apple
- Product innovation
Give an example of a firm that uses a cost effiency operations strategy and their cvp
- Walmart
- Everyday low pricing
Give an example of a firm that uses an efficient and reliable order fulfillment operations strategy and give their CVP
- Amazon
- Product selection and availability
Name three key observations in supply chains?
- Interaction between supply chain and development chain
- Coordination across companies / Global optimization
- Uncertainty and risk factors
What is a development chain?
Set of activities and processes associated with new product introduction
What activities are included in the development chain?
- Product design and research
- Associated capabilities and knowledge
- Sourcing decisions
- Production plans
Why is it essential to share information and cooperate across the supply chain?
Coordination/ cooperations and integration are essential to prevent a bullwhip effect. Optimizing information sharing with suppliers will reduce inventory costs / shortage costs
Name four trends that cause uncertainty and risk factors in supply chains?
- Demand is problem number one; forecasting alone is not a solution
- Recent trends
- Natural disasters
- Politics
Name three recent trends that have caused uncertainty and risk in supply chains?
- Lean manufacturing
- Outsourcing
- Offshoring
Name the seven key issues in supply chains?
- Inventory control
- Network configuration
- Production sourcing
- Supply contracts
- Distribution strategies
- Product design
- Supply chain integration and partnering