Week 1 Introduction to brain anatomy Flashcards
What is Epithelium
Epithelium – a tissue that lines the external and internal surfaces, including internal cavities and organs and other free open surfaces of the body, of all animals and their immaturedeveloping form
What is Ectoderm
Ectoderm – the outer germ layer of the embryo whose derivatives include skin and nervous system.

What is Mesoderm
Mesoderm – the middle germ layer of the embryo whose derivatives include muscle and bone.
What is Endordem
Endoderm – the inner germ layer whose derivatives include the digestive and respiratory system
What is gastrulation
Gastrulation – the process in which a gastrula develops from a blastula by the movement of cells from the outer surface of the embryo to its inside, forming the primitive gut.
What is germ Layer
Germ layers – the three cellular layers into which the embryos of animals differentiate: ectoderm, mesoderm and endoderm
What is Central Nervous System
Central nervous system (CNS) – the part of the nervous system consisting of the brain and spinal cord.
What is Peripheral nervous system
Peripheral nervous system (PNS) – the part of the nervous system outside the brain and spinal cord linking the CNS and the rest of the body
What is Anterior
Anterior – the end of the embryo where the head forms; means the same as rostral
What is Posterior
Posterior – toward the tail end of an embryo; means the same as caudal.
What is Rostral
Rostral – the end of the embryo where the head forms; means the same as anterior.
What is Caudal
Caudal – toward the tail end of an embryo; means the same as posterior.
What is Dorsal
Dorsal – the back of an organ, embryo or adult organism; where the spinal cord develops invertebrates; opposite ofventral
What is Ventral
Ventral – the side of an embryo or adult organism towards the chest; opposite of dorsal.
What is Medial
Medial – towards the midline of an embryo perpendicular to its rostrocaudal and dorsoventral axes; opposite of lateral
What is Lateral
Lateral – away from the midline of an embryo perpendicular to its rostrocaudal and dorsoventral axes; opposite of medial.
What is Blastomere
Blastomere – any of the cells resulting from the first few cleavages of a fertilized egg during early embryonic development.
What is Epidermis
Epidermis – the outermost layers of cells covering the exterior body surface.
What is Blastoderm
Blastoderm – the superficial layer of the early embryo in species whose eggs contain relatively large amounts of yolk; cell division occurs in this layer, which surrounds the yolk in insects but is a flat disc at one pole of the egg in birds.
What is a neural tube
Neural tube – a tube of ectodermal tissue in the embryo from which the brain and spinal cord develop.
What is Neurulation
Neurulation – the process by which the neural tube is formed.
What is Epithelium
Epithelium – a tissue that lines the external and internal surfaces, including internal cavities and organs and other free open surfaces of the body, of all animals and their immature developing forms.