Week 1 Introduction Flashcards
those rules of conduct commanding what is right and prohibiting what is wrong
the fundamental law that establishes the government. limits what government can and cannot do and states the underlying principles to which the government will conform
a law enacted by a legislative body
appellate court decisions based on custom and usage and prior decisions
case law
a law passed by a local municipal governing body (e.g. zoning, building, safety, etc.)
laws created by an administrative agency within its jurisdiction
rules & regulations
the inherent power of a government to make reasonable laws to protect the safety, health, morals and general welfare of its citizens
police power
a policy of courts to stand by a decision and apply it to future cases where the facts are substantially the same
Stare decisis
the rules and regulations created by Federal and State administrative agencies (e.g. OSHA, FTC, state board rules and regulations)
Administrative law
a governmental body created by legislation empowered to make and enforce rules and regulations
Administrative agency
a legally enforceable agreement
that branch of law which relates to matters concerned with the disposal of the dead and regulation of funeral directors, embalmers, and funeral establishments
Funeral service law (mortuary law/mortuary jurisprudence)
the cessation of life; permanent cessations of all vital functions and signs
total and irreversible cessation of brain function as indicated by a flat EEG reading
brain death
the body of a dead human being, deprived of life, but not yet entirely disintegrated
a dead human body intended solely for scientific study and dissection
the accepted theory of the legal status of a dead human body; rights associated with the body are as if it were property for the purpose of disposition only
quasi-property theory
a person properly licensed, engaged in, or conducting, or holding himself/herself out as being engaged in preparing, other than by embalming, for the burial or disposition of dead human bodies
Funeral director (funeral service practitioner)
status associated with funeral service practitioner/funeral establishment who becomes legal protector of dead human body from time of removal until final disposition.
the physical possession of the dead human body or other property
actual custody
the situation whereby one party has a right to acquire actual custody/possession of the dead body although another party has actual physical possession
constructive custody
one’s relatives collectively; referring to blood relationship (legally, the surviving spouse is not)
relationship of decedent to blood relatives
degree of kindred
the physical and/or emotional separation for a period of time showing the lack of affection, trust and regard