Week 1 - Intro Flashcards
What is the dualism of communication?
It is a bridge and a chasm. It can separate people or bring them together.
What are the 5 A’s of mass society theory?
Alienation, anomie, anonymity, apathy and atomization.
Key term: Historicity
Historical actuality (how something developed through history)
Key term: Solipsism
A theory holding that the self can know nothing but its own modifications and that the self is the only existent thing.
Key term: Telepathy
Communication from one mind to another by extrasensory means
Key term: Angelological
The theological doctrine of angels and its study
What are the 3 historical meanings of “communication”
imparting, transfer/transmission, and exchange
Visions of media from 1920s
- communication as the management of mass opinion (post ww1 ear, concern about propaganda). eg. statues,
- semantic dissonance (no agreement on meaning of words/meaning)
- vain sallies from the citadel of the self (desire to connect always fails)
to be human is to be social, communication is about opening ourselves to the world, not about info exchange.
John Deney
concerned of loss of face-to-face communication
Broadcast Hill
tower, mass communication, everyone has access to signal, radio and tv on tower, 1 to many signal
Angels relation to communication
intermediaries between god and humans (devine form of communication)