Week 1 Gov Flashcards
What is Anthropocene?
current timescale in which humanity has become the dominant planetary force, “human beings now influence, if not control, the ecological makeup and direction of the planet – and future geologists will look at the physical evidence of such a shift baked into the earth.”
What are th key challenges related to the Anthropocene / climate crisis?
The climate crisis is always about: uneven power relations & justice concerns
What are related governance implications towards sustainablity?
Climate emergency demands shift action to protect human and non- human communities
staying with limit of global temperature rise 1.5 degrees
What are unintended consequences of the western sustainability boom?
social injustice - blood coltan, general ressource extraktion from foreign countries - technology is not neutral
Sociotechnical imaginaries and regimes
“collectively held, institutionally stabilized, and publicly performed visions of desirable futures, animated by shared understandings of forms of life and social order…”; moral vision or how nature and society should be ordered and governed”
dominant set of ideas, norems and practices such as fossil fuel regime, car based mobility regime…
What are transitions?
radical (scope of change) shift from one system or configuration to another.
Socio-technical transition
explaining technical innovations in terms of their broader social, economic, policy and science relations
just transition
normative orientation towards a sustainable regime
Multi-level perspective
analytical frame to analyze transitions of socio-technical regimes
MLP stregths
Analytical frame to describe and explain socio-technical transformations; Links humans and technological systems; Maps stakeholders in terms of: dominant/niche actors & long-term sustainable transformation; can challenge governance actors and practices as part of the regime
MLP weaknesses
often a focus on technological artefacts