Week 1: Git, HTML and CSS Flashcards
Another word for link
Markup language
A system for adding district instructions for how text should be formatted. HTML is an example.
< >
Angle brackets used in HTML to indicate instructions for the browser.
Block Elements
HTML elements that create a “block” in the display by appearing on their own line.
Opening vs closing tags
Examples of Block Element Tags that are 1 tab from
HTML annotations which indicate how the text should be formatted.
End tag
Alternate name for closing tag.
Inline Element
HTML elements that do not appear on their own line, but instead share with other elements.
Examples of inline elements
Additional information provided to an HTML tag. Ex- href attribute in an tag provides the URL a link should travel to.
Relative Path
A path to a file within the project itself. Usually referring to the location provided in as the href attribute in an tag.
HTML elements that does not need a closing tag.
A file located in a project’s repository that provides detailed information about a project.
Simple language that uses marking annotation to format text for display in a browser.