Week 1: Early Development Flashcards
What are the core abilities in the first three years of a child’s life?
- Orienting to faces
- Recognising faces
- Imitating actions
- Joint attention – responding
- Joint attention – initiating
- Empathy
- Understanding emotion
- Understanding that other people have thoughts and feelings
- Gateway to social world
- Information about emotions
- Identity – mother and stranger
- Foundations of joint attention
- Information about the world
How can we study face processing in infancy?
- Can’t use traditional adult methods of asking questions, button pressing
- Need ways baby can show us what they know
- Neurocognitive methods:
- Visual attention (habituation, visual preference)
- Eyetracking
How are visual preference studies carried for infants?
What does baby choose to look at?
- Show baby two pictures
- Record looking time to each
- Calculate A/(A+B)
- If significantly different to 50%, indicates a systematic preference
- Important control: randomize side
- Gender, upright, ethnicity
What is habituation?
Habituation is one of the simplest and most common forms of learning. It allows people to tune out non-essential stimuli and focus on the things that really demand attention. Habituation is something that happens regularly in your everyday life, yet you are probably largely unaware of it.
What are the key characteristics of Habituation?
- Duration
- Frequency
- Intensity
- Change
How does duration effect habituation?
If the habituation stimulus is not presented for a long enough period before a sudden reintroduction, the response will once again reappear at full-strength, a phenomenon known as spontaneous recovery. So if that noisy neighbor’s loud banging (from the example above) were to stop and start, you’re less likely to become habituated to it.
How does Frequency effect Habituation?
The more frequently a stimulus is presented, the faster habituation will occur. If you wear that same perfume every day, you’re more likely to stop noticing it earlier each time.
How does intensity effect Habituation?
Very intense stimuli tend to result in slower habituation. In some cases, such as deafening noises like a car alarm or a siren, habituation will never occur (a car alarm wouldn’t be very effective as an alert if people stopped noticing it after a few minutes).
How does change effect Habituation?
Changing the intensity or duration of the stimulation may result in a reoccurrence of the original response. So if that banging noise grew louder over time, or stopped abruptly, you’d be more likely to notice it again.
What is the process of understanding infant habituation?
- Show baby one picture over and over again
- Record looking time to each stimulus presentation
- Terminate the task when a baby meets habituation criterion; habituation time can measure the speed of learning
- Show baby the familiar stimulus paired with a novel one
- Measure preference
- Can administer test after a delay to measure memory
How does Eyetracking work in capturing the gaze of an infant?
- Uses infrared light to measure precise eye position on a static or dynamic stimulus?
- Millisecond level resolution (e.g. take samples 300 times/second)
- Many possible measures:
- Average together fixations in a ‘region of interest’ (e.g. eyes, mouths) and average across a video – what facial features do babies use? What do they prefer?
- Measure the lengths of each fixation (fixation duration)
- How many areas of interest are visited? (exploration of a scene)
- Visual reaction times (how quickly do they find the face)
How does the use of an EEG record the development of face expertise?
- Net of sensors that records the electrical activity of coordinated groups of neurons.
- Ongoing activity can be separated into frequency bands (e.g. delta, theta, alpha, beta, gamma) that might have different meanings.
- Using event-related designs, we can measure whether baby can tell the difference between two pictures by the size or speed of their brain response.
What is the process used in event-related designs to see how an infant can tell the difference between two pictures?
- Show picture repeatedly
- Average brain activity that happens every time the picture appears on screen, get a pattern of peaks and troughs called components
- These reflect:
- the activity that happens in the brain every time the baby sees a picture
- The activity that is time-locked to the start of the stimulus
What are the assumptions of the Nativist/Maturational theory of social development?
- Baby born with a set of core knowledge
- Other skills develop when particular regions of the brain mature
- Predicts that the baby will be born with a core set of abilities that set the foundations for future development
- Predicts sudden onset of particular skills
- Example: neonatal imitation