Week 1 - Dysuria and fatigue Flashcards
Mrs. G.M. is a 57-year-old woman with longstanding type 2 diabetes.
Take a history of this patient.
• Dysuria, puffy face, backache - 36h.
• Worsening fatigue, incontinence* - months.
• 3x UTI in last 5/12 (recurrent history of UTI).
• No haematuria, no fever, no loin pain (UTIs can present with no fever).
• BSL high 9-11, 2x hypo’s BSL 2.4.
• Back pain - h/o trauma, mild pain, on OTC ibuprofen. (Kidney can also be a cause of back pain).
• Severe fatigue, worsening diarrhoea, nausea, anorexia. (Features of uraemia - chronic renal failure).
- Urological history - SOCRATES for pain.
- Post menopausal.
- Diabetes.
HPC: • Change in appearance of urine (e.g. haematuria). • Change in urine volume or stream - polyuria, nocturia, anuria, decrease in stream size, hesitancy, dribbling, urine retention, strangury, Pis-en-deux - double voiding (incomplete bladder emptying), incontinence of urgency. • Renal colic. • Dysuria (painful micturition). • Frequency, urgency. • Fever, loin pain. • Uretheral discharge.
• Symptoms suggestive of CKD (uraemia):
- Oliguria, nocturia, polyuria.
- Anorexia, a metallic taste, vomiting, fatigue, hiccup, insomnia.
- Itch, bruising, oedema.
- Question box 17.1
• Menses:
- Age of onset.
- Regularity.
- Late period (date).
- Dysmenorrhoea, menorrhagia.
- Erectal dysfunction.
- Loss of libido.
- Infertilty.
- Pregnancies - number of any complications.
- Urethral or vaginal discharge.
- Generalised rash.
• Fatigue:
- Malignancy - weight loss, loss of appetite.
- Heart failure/anaemia - chest pain, dyspnoea.
- Depression - loss of interest in activities, low mood.
- Recent sore throat/skin infection.
- Diarrhoea, change in bowel habit.
- Sexual history.
• Past history of hypertension, diabetes, malabsorption syndromes, polycystic kidney disease.
• Autoimmune - vasculitic rash, sinusitis, nose bleeds, arthropathy, Sjogren’s syndrome.
• Any past surgeries or biopsy?
• Any regular medications? i.e. OTC, herbal medications, NSAIDs, antibiotics, immunosuppressants, antihypertensives.
• Nephrotoxic drugs - gentamycin, NSAIDs, COX-2, ACE, radio contrast.
• Agent, reaction, treatment?
• E.g. Fluvax, Pneumococcal.
• Pap smears, mammograms.
• Family history of hypertension, diabetes, inherited forms of kidney disease.
SHx: • Background • Occupation i.e. heavy metal exposure. • Education • Religion • Living Arrangements i.e. family support, impact of chronic disease, dialysis. • Smoking • Nutrition • Alcohol/recreational drugs • Physical activity
Systems Review:
• General - weight change, fever, chills, night sweats?
• CVS - chest pain, palpitations, orthopnoea/PND?
• RS - dyspnoea, cough, sputum or wheeze?
• GI - vomiting, diarrhoea, indigestion, dysphagia, change in bowel habit, abdominal pain?
• UG - dysuria, polyuria, nocturia, urgency, incontinence, urine output?
• CNS - heachaches, nausea, trouble with hearing or vision?
• ENDO - heat/cold intolerance, swelling in throat/neck, polydipsia or polyphagia?
• HAEM - easy bruising, lumps in axilla, neck or groin?
• MSK - painful or stiff joints, muscle aches or rash?
Perform a physical examination on this patient.
- Introduction, explanation, consent, wash hands.
- General inspection: alert, oriented, wasting/cachexia, pain, distress, oedema. Signs related to DDx - heart failure, anaemia, malignancy, renal failure.
3. Vital signs: • HR • BP • Temp • RR • BMI
- Hands: clubbing, nail changes related to deficiency/malabsorption e.g. leuconychia, Muehrcke’s lines.
- Face: conjunctival pallor, pale mucous membranes, glossitis, angular stomatitis.
- Neck: JVP.
- NEURO: diabetic neuropathy.
- Hyperventilation (acidosis)
- Statue, brown discolouration nails
- Skin - pallor, photosensitive pigmentation, sallow, scratch marks, vasculitis
- Assess volume status - skin turgor, pulse, BP (lying and standing), JVP, lungs (crepitations, pleural rub), SOA.
- CVS - pericarditis, SOA.
- Abdomen - enlarged kidneys (polycystic kidneys, tumour, infiltration). Renal bruits, bladder, prostate.
- Neurology - asterixes, confusion, coma, peripheral neuropathy.
- Fundoscopy - diabetic/HT changes.
- Spine - spina bifida/laminectomy.
• BP, fluid overload, skin (dry, scratch marks), uraemia fetor, asterixis, pericardial rub, CT disease (rash, arthritis), palpate the kidneys, listen for renal artery bruit.
What investigations would you carry out on this patient?
- Urine dipstick.
- Urine MCS.
- FBC, iron studies.
- UEC.
- Calcium, phosphate, albumin (LFTs)
- eGFR.
- BSL/HbA1c.
- Coeliac Ab - anti-gliadin, anti-tissue transglutaminase.
What investigations would you carry out on this patient?
- Urine dipstick.
- Urine MCS.
- FBC, iron studies.
- UEC (urea, electrolytes, creatinine AKA renal function tests).
- Calcium, phosphate, albumin (LFTs)
- eGFR.
- BSL/HbA1c.
- Coeliac Ab - anti-gliadin, anti-tissue transglutaminase.
• Second line: Renal USS.
What treatment does this patient require?
• Referral to urologist.