Week 1 Dry Flashcards
Describe the circle of willis?
Basilar artery formed from vertebral arteries.
It connects to the ICAs via the post. communicating artery.
Post cerebral comes off basilar/post communicating
Middle cerebral comes off ICA
Ant cerebral comes off ICA and are joined to eachother by ant communicating
What arteryies come off the vertebral and basilar arteries?
Post inf cerebellar and Ant spinal arteries come off the vertebral arteries
Ant Inf, Labyrinthine and sup cerebellar come off the basilar (in that order)
Where do the vertebral arteries arise?
Which part of the brainstem is the basilar artery most close to?
Which surface of the brain is supplied by which cerebral arteru?
Ant - Superior/medial, runs in the longitudinal fissure
Middle - Most of Lateral, runs in the sylvian fissure
Posterior - Posterior, runs in calcarine fissure
What cerebral artery supplies Primary motor cortex?
Ant and middle
What cerebral artery supplies Primary sensory cortex?
Ant & Middle
What cerebral artery supplies Primary Visual Cortex?
What cerebral artery supplies Primary Auditory Cortex?
What cerebral artery supplies the area of olfaction?
Which cranial nerve & major Art are closely related to the sup cerebellar artery and how?
Why is this relevant clinically?
Oculomotor & Post Cerebral artery both run just above the Superior Cerebellar Art.
Aneurysms are common here causing III nerve palsy
What pieces of nervous tissue are involved in controlling blood supply to the brain?
Carotid Sinus - Detects pressure in ICA
Carotid Body - Detects Anoxia in ICA
Sympathetic motor nerves also form a plexus around the ICA
What nerves do the Carotid sinus and body connect to?
Both have sensory fibres in the glossopharyngeal nerve
Carotid sinus also uses Vagus
Where do intracranial veins drain to?
Dural venous sinuses between the periocranium and cranial dura
List the important Dural venous sinuses?
Opthalmic Veins -> Cavernous sinus -> IJV
Sup/Inf Petrosal Sinuses -> IJV
Also Inf sagittal -> Straight sinus (joins with Sup sagittal) -> Confluence of sinuses -> Transverse sinus -> Sigmoid sinus -> IJV