Week 1. Class 1 Flashcards
in a profound way, deeply (глубоко)
- (of a state or quality) deep, complete; very deeply felt
- having or showing great knowledge and understanding
profound (adjective)
to influence, to have an effect on smth
- Курение влияет на здоровье
- Важное решение, которое повлияет на будущее компании
to affect (влиять)
- Smoking affects health
- An important decision that will affect the company’s future
честь, память, благодарность
- smth done, said or given to show respect, gratitude or affection
- a payment made by one ruler or state to another especially to gain peace
платить дань/отдавать честь
- Я хотел бы отдать должное всем тем, кто помогал нам
to pay tribute
- I’d like to pay tribute to allthose who helped us
- to create or produce for the first time (изобретать)
- to think up (разрабатывать)
to invent
- a person who invented
- an original device or process
- having the ability to create or design new things or to think originally
- an inventor
- an invvention
- inventive
to encourage in (someone) the ability to act: вдохновлять
to inspire
smth that inspires, is exciting: вдохновляющий
- вдохновляющая идея
inspiring; inspirational
- an inspiring idea
the act or power of moving the intellect or emotions: вдохновение
- вдохновение музыки
- the inspiration of music
- to cause (someone) to have a liking for or interest in smth: привлекать
- to draw to or toward oneself: притягивать
- to attract
- to attract
example: - a magnet atrracts iron
- flowers attract bees
привлечение, достопримечательность
- the act or power of attracting;
Example: притягательность ярких огней города - smth that attracts or pleases
Example: достопримечательности большого города
1. the attraction of the city’s bright lights
2. the attractions of a big city
having the power or quality of attracting: привлекательный, привлекающий
Example: привлекательная женщина/идея/существо
Example: an attractive woman/idea/creature
to deal with; to treat: справляться
Example: тактично решать проблему
to handle
Example: to handle a problem tactfully
part of a tool, cup, bucket or other instrument by which it may be held, carried or controlled: ручка, рукоятка
Example: рукоятка топора
handle (noun)
Example: the handle of an axe
- to hire: нанимать
- to make use of: использовать
Example: Полиция была вынуждена применить силу
- to employ
- to employ
Example: The police had to employ force
a person who works for pay in the service of an employer: работник (сотрудник)
a person that employs others: работодатель
the act of employment; the state of being employed: работа, трудоустройство
- полная занятость
- частичная занятость
- a full-time employment
- a part-time employment
not having a job: безработный
the unemployed
joblessness: безработица
very effective: мощный
Example: мощная медицина
Example: potent medicine
the capacity to have an effect on the character, development, or behaviour of someone or something, or the effect itself: влиять
Example: Ее родители по-прежнему оказывают на нее большое влияние
influence (noun)
Example: Her parents still have a great deal of influence over her
to have an influence on
- оказывать глубокое влияние
to influence
- to influence deeply
having influence: влиятельный
- to be proof, evidence; to allow to be clearly seen: тестировать, свидетельствовать
- to make a formal statement of what one swears is true
to testify
a statement made by a witness under oath especially in a court: показание
in an eloquent way: красноречиво
- marked by forceful and fluent expression; vividly expressive
- clearly showing some feeling or meaning
- to keep or save from injury or ruin: сохранять
- preservation of the earth/the environment: консервация, охрана, сохранность
- to preserve
- preservation
too many to be counted: бессчисленный
- to tell (a story): пересказывать
- to show or have a relationship to or between: соотносить, связывать
- to relate
- connected by common ancestry or by marriage
- smth that conncets two or more things or parts
- a state of affairs exisitng between those having relations
- related
- relation
- relationship