Week 1 Flashcards
Name the three components of the nasal septum
Perpendicular plate of the ethmoid
Septal cartilage
Name the foramen that descend through the ethmoidal bone. Name the foramen between the sphenoid and palatine bone in the nasal cavity. Name the foramen that passes through the maxillary bone.
Anterior and posterior ethmoidal foramen
Sphenopalatine foramen
Incisive foramen
From what artery does the anterior and posterior ethmoidal artery emerge?
Ophthalamic artery
Name the plexus associated with the Nasal septum
Kiesselbach’s plexus
Name the branches of the maxillary artery that supply the nasal cavity
Sphenopalatine artery
Greater Palatine artery
The maxillary artery is a branch of the _____ ______ artery
External carotid
The septal branch of the superior labial artery is from what artery?
Facial artery
Name the five arteries that make up the Kiesselbach’s plexus
Posterior ethmoidal artery anterior ethmoidal artery Septal branch of the superior labial artery Sphenopalatine artery Greater Palatine artery
What is the medical name for nose bleeds?
Give two alternative names for the external ear
Which five nerves innervate the auricle of the ear?
C2 and C3
CNVII (Facial)
CNV3 (Maxillary division of trigeminal)
CNX (vagus)
On which bone is found the Carotid canal
Temporal bone
Into which fossa does the mandible sit?
Glenoid (mandibular) fossa
What is the ear canal also called?
External Acoustic meatus
Name the two “portions” of the temporal bone and the 3 processes of the temporal bone
Squamous portion Petrous portion zygomatic process mastoid process styloid process
The pinna is composed of avascular ________ _______ and receives its nutrition from the ____.
Elastic cartilage
Name the glands that secrete earwax in the skin of the external acoustic meatus
Ceruminous glands
Identify the 7 main features of the pinna (auricle)
Helix antihelix conchae tragus anti-tragus ear lobe External acoustic meatus
Name the scope used to view the external acoustic meatus and the tympanic membrane
In a young person the EAM is straight so you move the otoscope _____________ whereas in adults it is curved so you move the otoscope ______________.
The thin part of the tympanic membrane which is found superiorly is called the ___________ whereas the thick part which is found ______________ is called the ________ ________
Pars flaccida
Pars Tensa
Name the most depressed part of the tympanic membrane
What is the name of the bones of the middle ear and what is their function?
Auditory Ossicles
Convey soundwaves from the tympanic membrane to the inner ear
Name the three auditory ossicles laterally to medially
What type of joints are exhibited between the auditory ossicles?
Synovial joints
Name the muscle which inserts on the malleus and the muscle which inserts on the stapes
Tensor tympani
Name the two parts of the tympanic cavity
Tympanic cavity proper
Epitympanic membrane
The mucosa covering the tympanic cavity carries ______ information by the ____________ nerve CN ____.
glossopharyngeal nerve
Name the opening in the posterior wall of the tympanic cavity
Mastoid aditus
Name four features of the medial wall of the tympanic cavity
Round window
Oval window- receives footplate of stapes
Promontory- formed by the cochlear
facial canal- contains facial nerve
What are the two main features of the anterior (carotid) wall of the tympanic cavity?
Chorda Tympani
Eustachian tube
What is the Eustachian tube? What is it composed of? What is its function?
Tube that connects the Tympanic cavity to the nasopharynx.
1/3 bone and 2/3 cartilaginous.
Equalise air pressure between the middle ear and nasopharynx- cartilaginous section usually closed unless muscular contraction
Name the opening of the Eustachian tube into the nasopharynx
Torus Tubarius
Name 5 regions that have sensory innervation from the glossopharyngeal nerve CNIX
Middle ear cavity Eustachian tube Nasopharynx oropharynx palatine tonsils
What is otalgia?
Ear pain
How come tonsillitis and pharyngitis can cause otalgia?
Referred pain because connected by glossopharyngeal nerves
Identify the three parts of the bony labyrinth of the inner ear
Cochlear- spiral shaped cavity with round window Vestibule- contains utricle and saccule and oval window which connects to the stapes Semicircular canals (posterior, superior and lateral)
Which two semicircular canals of the ear originate from one stalk?
superior and posterior
What labyrinth is situated within the bony labyrinth?
Membranous labyrinth
Name the cells that convert the mechanical stimuli of the inner ear to neural stimuli?
Hair cells
The location of hair cells within the vestibular apparatus are located in the maculae of the _______ and
________, and the _________ of the semicircular ducts. These hair cells convey fluid motion into neural
stimuli, which travel to the CNS via the _____________ nerve, a division of the _______________ nerve CN____. The cell bodies for the neurons are located within the vestibular ganglion.
Utricle Saccule Ampullae Vestibular Vestibulocochlear CNVIII
What is the name of the three fluid-filled channels within the cochlear?
What do you call the bony core which contains blood vessels and surrounds the cochlea?
Scala vestibuli
Scala Tympani
Cochlear duct
Where are the hair cells located in the cochlear?
The “organ of Corti” within the cochlear duct
What are the two main functions of the ear?
balance maintenance
Which nerve innervates the stapedius?
Facial nerve
Which two nerves innervate the external acoustic meatus?
Vagus nerve and maxillary branch of trigeminal