Week 1 Flashcards
Types of Descriptive Analysis
Exploratory Research, Descriptive Research, and Casual Research
What is Exploratory Research?
Ambiguous problems: Why are sales dropping?
What is Descriptive Research?
Know problems: Who is buying our products? Who is buying our competitions’ products?
What is Casual Research?
Well defined problems: While customers buy more of our product if we change our website?
Why conduct Exploratory Research?
• Helps develop initial hunches or insights
• Provides a broader understanding of the
managerial problem
• Provides guidelines on the subjects that should
be tested rigorously
• Is typically achieved through focus groups,
comprising eight to ten customers and one
moderator discussing brands, brand sentiments
and so on
What type of questions does Descriptive Research answer?
• Typical managerial questions you can help answer with descriptive research are: - What are the characteristics of our customers? - What is our share of wallet?
Types of descriptive research:
- Active data collection
- Unobtrusive (passive) data collection
Active Data Collection: What are the Steps in Survey Design?
Unobtrusive (Passive) Data Collection: Ways to collect data
- POS data
- Media Planning
- Radio, TV, Social Media
- Web Data
- Mobile Data
Point-of-sales data gives insights
Impact of promotion
Impact of display
impact within and across categories
Mobile data can help you answer:
Is customer search on the mobile platform different from the desktop?
What information should you show customers based on their location?
Should the information be based on your location?
Are there coupons that can be sent based on your location?
Media planning will help you answer:
Who is watching which show?
Which shows can be funded next year?
How is the viewership pattern changing over time?
How should I be spending on ads?
A/B testing
A/B testing is a user experience research methodology. A/B tests consist of a randomized experiment with two variants, A and B. It includes application of statistical hypothesis testing or “two-sample hypothesis testing” as used in the field of statistics.
A/B Testing can help you provide insight for:
- Website optimization: Kind of website,
landing page, and icons - Mobile app design: Version of the app shown
to customers - Customized design: One-to-one marketing
Correlation and Causation
Correlation: Relationship between two variables (not =)
Causation: One variable producing an effect on another variable.