Week 1 Flashcards
a supernatural prerogative by which the Roman Pontiff and the College of Bishops, by means of divine assistance, cannot be in error in the proclamation of the revealed doctrine regarding faith and morals when, in a definitive act, they profess a doctrine that has been entrusted to them by the apostles.
Munus Propheticum
the exercising of the common teaching office received by the Christian faithful at their baptism
the obstinate denial or doubt of some truth that must be believed by divine and catholic faith after the reception of baptism
the total repudiation of the Christian Faith
the refusal to submit to the Roman Pontiff as well as rejection of communion with the members of the Church who live in communion with him
the promotion of cooperation and unity among Christians
the act of handing on the Word of God to the baptized faithful and candidates for initiation so that they may be formed into witnesses for Christ
Catholic Education
Seeks to form the heart and mind of the individual so that they can encounter Christ
Baptismal form
N, I baptize you in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit
Confirmation form
N, Be sealed with the Gift of the Holy Spirit.
Eucharist form
Take this all of you and eat of it, for this is my Body, which will be given up for you.
Take this, all of you, and drink from it, for this is the Chalice of my Blood, the Blood of the new and eternal covenant, which will be poured out for you and for many for the forgiveness of sins. Do this in memory of me.
Absolution form
God the Father of Mercies through the death and resurrection of his Son has reconciled the world to himself and sent the Holy Spirit among us for the forgiveness of sins; through the ministry of the Church may God give you pardon and peace, and I absolve you from your sins in the name of the Father, and of the Son, + and of the Holy Spirit.
Apostolic Pardon
By the authority which the Apostolic See has given me, I grant you a full pardon and the remission of all your sins in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.
Anointing of the Sick Form
Through this holy anointing may the Lord in his love and mercy help you with the grace of the Holy Spirit. Amen May the Lord who frees you from sin save you and raise you up. Amen
St. Thomas definition of law
Ordinance of reason promulgated by competent authority for the sake of the common good.
Canon Law
An ordinance of reason promulgated by competent authority for the sake of the salvation of souls
Divine Law
Any law willed by God
Natural Law
a body of unchanging moral principles which are universally knowable by means of human reason
Ecclesiastical Law
The law of the Catholic Church which binds only Catholics which is created, abolished, and dispensed by a competent authority
Ius vs. lex
ius - derecho, rights laws; lex - regulations/law