Week 1 Flashcards
A large group, or repeated process, that we are studying.
Sample space
Collection of all possible samples. Uncertainty about which sample is drawn. The probability function P(x
Random variable
Describes a feature of the random sample. Formally, a rule that assigns a number to each possible sample.
Measures the spread of the distribution and also how accurate the prediction is.
Measures how different variables move together - either in same direction, positive, or in opposite directions, negative. Or not correlated at all.
The expected value of a random variable is always the average of it.
Random sampling
A recipe for picking out points from the population at random and for recording their characteristics.
Realized sample
Recorded characteristics of the sample, a dataset with numbers.
Estimand, estimator, estimate
The estimand is the population feature that we try to infer using an estimator (rule) that gives us an estimate of the estimand.
Method of moments
Strategy for constructing an estimator by replacing population quantities by sample analogues.
Linear regression model (OLS-1):
Functional form. Assumption that the m (the regression curve) takes a functional form of a linear model with k regressors and excluded variables U. This means that it is linear in the coefficients, the betas, but can still have nonlinear variables in the x’s.
Regression curve
Rule that describes how the regressors contribute to the outcome. It is pinned down by k+1 parameters (coefficients)
Marginal effect
The causal effects that we want to compute. If we change on regressor by one (infinitesimal) unit and keep everything else constant (ceteris paribus), we get the marginal effect.
Conditional expectation
A recipe that tells us how to construct, for each state of the world, a “best” prediction of a rv by using the info contained in other rv’s.
Exogeneity assumption (OLS-2)
The regressors are not informative about the level of the U. The m gives the conditional expectation of the Y given the regressors. Cov(Xj, U)=0
Observational data
Data collected by observing economic agents in real world. The observed regressors can themselves be the product of economic behaviour.
Randomized controlled trial
At least partially artificial environment in which the econometrician assigns regressor values to the economic agents they are studying. This will play out the role that U can have on the outcome, for ex the mathematical ability (U) that affect study time (x1) is not affecting the outcome if you divide into treatment group and control group randomly.
Observational equivalence
Two models with different sets of coefficients have the same regression function, i.e. transform regressors into outcomes in the same way. Cannot say which one is the best one…
Full rank assumption (OLS-3):
We cannot find a model that is observationally equivalent to the true model, but is describes by a different set of coefficients.
Variance decomposition
After a regression we can, at the sample level, decompose the total variation in outcomes into variation that is due to regressors (explained part) and in the estimated unobserved component (unexplained part).
This measures how well our model predicts the outcome, in fact it is measuring how much of the variance that is described in the model. A high value is good because then our model is a good model for predicting Y.
If the regressors have no predictive power of Y…
Then you should continue estimating Y with E(Y) instead of making use of the x’s in a conditional expectation. They are statistically independent we say.