Week 1 Flashcards
What is the hypothalamus?
- Relay station in the brain
- Located just below the thalamus
Area of hypothalamus that is responsible for secretion of hormonal release factors controlling the pituitary gland
arcuate nuclei, paraventricular nuclei, and periventricular area
Area of hypothalamus that is responsible for activation of sympathetic nervous system
Dorsal and posterior areas
Area of hypothalamus that is responsible for eating behavior
Ventromedial nuclei, arcuate nuclei, lateral area
Area of hypothalamus that is responsible for drinking behavior and thirst
lateral area
Area of hypothalamus that is responsible for water and electrolyte balance
supraoptic and paraventricular nuclei
Area of hypothalamus that is responsible for body temp regulation
pre-optic area
Area of hypothalamus that is responsible for sexual behavior
pre-optic area and anterior area
Area of hypothalamus that is responsible for circadian rhythm
suprachiasmatic nucelus
What are the hypothalamic areas or nuclei that are concerning to today’s topic of interest?
- Paraventricular
- Supraoptic
Factors that regulate hypothalamic functions
- light, glucose and osmolarity, visceral afferent, hormones
How does light regulate hypothalamci function
- where does it enter
- what does it decrease
- function of mel
- Light enters retino-hypothalamic tract and the suprachiasmatic nucleus and pineal glands are involved.
- Light decreases melatonin synthesis and Dark increases melatonin synthesis.
- Melatonin maintains circadian rhythm via hormone release.
Glucose and osmolarity regulation of the hypothalamus
- blood glucose level is sensed which also regulates feeding behavior
- Osmoreceptors: Sense osmotic changes in the blood and help maintain blood osmolarity
Visceral afferents that regulate hypothalamus
intestine, heart, liver, stomach
How are the hypothalamohypophyseal tract and the hypophyseal portal veins functionally similar and structurally different?
- Hypothalamohypophyseal tract releases hormones from hypothalamus to posterior pituitary: Vasopressin, Oxytocin
- Hypophyseal portal veins: hypothalamus releases hormones that go through the hypophyseal portal veins to the anterior pituitary to then stimulate action
What are portal veins?
- two capillary beds- a connection btwn 2 things.
hypophyseal portal system
is a system of blood vessels in the microcirculation at the base of the brain, connecting the hypothalamus with the anterior pituitary. Its main function is to quickly transport and exchange hormones between the hypothalamus arcuate nucleus and anterior pituitary gland
Differentiate between the magnocellular and parvocellular neurons.
a. Magnocellular neurons located in paraventricular and supraoptic nuclei and the peptides that produce oxytocin and vasopressin which are delivered to the posterior ptuitary
b. Parvocellular neurons release releasing or inhibiting neuropeptides (hypophysiotropic hormones) that control function of anterior pituitary
Compare and contrast the routes of transport of hypothalamic neuropeptides to the posterior and anterior pituitary?
a. Parvicellular neurons release neuropeptides which are transported in the long portal veins to the anterior pituitary where they stimulate the release of pituitary hormones into the systemic circulation.
b. Magnocellular neurons synthesize the neuropeptides (hormones) oxytocin andvasopressinwhich are transported in neurosecretory vesicles down the hypothalamo-hypophyseal tract and stored in varicosities at the nerve terminals in the posterior pituitary.
What is axonal transport
- what proteins are used
- which way
occurs along the microtubules and the proteins related to axonal transport are kinesin and dynein.
- Two families of motor proteins, kinesin and dynein, transport membrane-bounded vesicles, proteins, and organelles along microtubules.
- 1) Nearly all kinesins move cargo toward the (+) end of microtubules (anterograde transport); 2) whereas dyneins transport cargo toward the (−) end (retrograde transport)
Indicate the sites of ….. of the posterior pituitary hormones
- synthesis, packaging, transport,
- storage
- secretion
a. Synthesis occurs in nucelus, travels to ER to be processed, then packaged into secretory granules in the Golgi.
b. Herring bodies or neurosecretory bodies are structures found in the posterior pituitary. They represent the terminal end of the axons from the hypothalamus, and hormones are temporarily stored in these locations. They are neurosecretory terminals.
c. The neurosecretory vesicles are then transported down the hypothalamo-hypophyseal tract. Hormone processing occurs during this stage yielding hormone and neurophysins.
d. Contents of neurosecretory vesicles are released from nerve terminals in the posterior pituitary. Exocytosis is triggered by Ca2+ influx through voltage-gated channels opened during neuronal depolarization.
Outline the physiologic role of the by-products released with the posterior pituitary hormones?
- Neurophysins are carrier proteins which transport the hormones oxytocin and vasopressin to the posterior pituitary from the paraventricular and supraoptic nucleus of the hypothalamus. Neurophysins are by-products of post-translational prohormone processing in the secretory vesicles. They are important in the role of transport of AVP from cell bodies.
- Copeptin: Once secreted into the bloodstream, there is no known biological role for copeptin. However, when pre-pro-vasopressin is processed during the axonal transport, copeptin may contribute to the 3D folding of vasopressin
- stimulus for release
- functions
- regulation
- baby head stretching cervix, breast feeding–baby crying
- cause contraction of myoepithelial cell by acting on GalphaQ G protein receptor, causing phosphorylation of phospholipase C to increase calcium inside myoepithelial cells –> This causes the ejection of milk; § During the labor the oxytocin is released, causing uterine contraction, and when the baby’s body is pushed, and the baby’s head pushes the cervix, this stretches the cervix. This is the stimulating factor for more release of oxytocin hormone
- positive feedback, if the stimulus continues the hormone sontinues to be released, if the stimulus stops the hormones stops being secreted.
role of oxytocin in male
- ejaculation, causes contraction of smooth muscles in vas deferens for sperm to go toward the urethra.
Outline the physiologic action of ADH in principal cells of the collecting ducts in the nephron
- what channels are used
§ ADH binds to V2 on the principal cells, V2 will upregulate aquaporin2 channels, that will go on the apical/lumen membrane to increase water reabsorption
§ Aquaporin 3 and 4 are located on the basolateral sides; They transport water from basolateral side to interstitial space
Outline the cellular mechanisms of vasoconstrictor effects of ADH
○ ADH binds to V1 receptors in the vasculature to cause vasoconstriction through GalphaQ –> increase intracellular calcium concentration –> and increase myosin light chain kinase activity to cause smooth muscle contraction –> vasoconstriction
regulation of ADH
- regulating factors
- how?
- where is it synthesized
- when is it released?
- Regulating factors: Osmolarity, blood pressure
- If there is extremely low extracellular volume (ECV), or low serum osmolality, release of ADH to cause increase in ECV or decreases in serum osmolality that turns off ADH
- Supraoptic
- When there is blood loss around 8% this causes decrease in mean arterial blood pressure (MABP) to decrease baroreceptor stretching and firing, increase in sympathetic tone to increase water reabsorption and increase blood pressure
Syndrome of Inappropriate ADH (SIADH)
- clinical features
- what causes hyponatremia
- cause of mental problems
- why is BP normal?
- high blood pressure and high blood volume, hyponatremia–causes mental status to decline, altered mentation, decline of motor function, confusion, disorientation
- Hyponatremia because you reabsorb a lot more water, which dilutes the sodium
- Mental status declines because of water movement. Water moves into the neurons which causes brain swelling
- ADH is increased, that means we have fluid retention, and body fluid volume increases. The increased blood volume leads to activation of baroreceptors and atrial stretch receptors. This causes a release of ANP, which causes natriuresis. Loss of sodium in urine–prevents edema and BP increase
Identify disorder and predict features related to ectopic production of ADH before beginning democycline
• Intracellular compartment gets hypoosmolar so fluid moves into extracellular compartment there is fluid loss as well.
• Think about it in the case of SIADH- in SIADH there is fluid retention which increases body fluid volume.
○ Loss of Na in urine=excessive urine Na-> fluid loss
Explain the pathophysiology of ectopic production of ADH after beginning demeclocycline in this Pt?
- MOA of demclocycline is to interrupt action of ADH receptor by inhibiting adenyl cyclase so it inhibits the secondary messenger cascade so you block that and will not get translocation of the V2 receptor on the apical membrane of the principle cell. This interrupts the action of ADH.
- Patient starts having sxs of diabetes inspipidus bc there is alot of ADH being produced but not having effect because of meds
lactotroph adenoma
- what is secreted?
- effects
- embryologic source of this tumor
- clinical sxs
- hypersecretion of prolactin
- ammenorrhea because increase lactin leads to decreased GRH–> decrease LH and FSH–> decrease estrogen/progesterone and follicles
- Rathkes pouch
- loss of peripheral vision (compress optic chiasm), wt gain and is very short (not going to have proper release of growth hormone), and low BP (decrease in vasopressin)
Bilateral visual field defects
- name
- cause
- bitemporal hemianopsea
- Something in the optic chiasm maybe
Why would patient with pituitary adenoma have low libido
Prolactin’s effect on GNRH, which goes to LH, which normally would increase testosterone production & bc that’s low, then it leads to the decreased libido
Importance of immunostains for pituitary adenomas
- Not that important, tell you what kind of cells make up the tumor, but it does NOT tell you whether those cells are actually secreting that hormone, for that you would have to do blood tests
How many adenomas spit out hormones & how many don’t?
- presentation of non- secreting adenoma
- About 40% are non-secretors
- Mass effect–headache, visual changes
Pituitary histology
- most common cell types and what they look like
- difference between normal and adenoma
- Acidophils = pink
- Basophils = more purple
- Chromophobes = don’t pick up a lot of stain
- in adenoma there all look same, so wont have chromophobe, acidophils, basophils
connection between high prolactin levels & the reproductive axis in males?
- High prolactin inhibits GNRH
- ↑ prolactin → ↓ GNRH → ↓LH/FSH → reproductive dysfunction overall
functions of FSH & LH?
- LH
- Helps in testosterone production
- Spermatogenesis; Helps in maintaining the Sertoli cell population, which are the sperm mother cells that nourish all the other precursor cells leading to sperm production
- secreted from?
- stimulates? which produce?
- arcuate nuclei & the periventricular nuclei of the hypothalamus
- gonadotrophs; FSH and LH
SXS in female pt with prolactin secreting adenoma
○ ↑ prolactin → ↓ GNRH → ↓LH/FSH → reproductive dysfunction overall
- Amenorrhea : FSH → follicle development, LH maintains the luteal phase
- Also galactorrhea–excessive milk production
Right after giving birth in a female when prolactin levels are very high, females do see some sexual dysfunction, like reproductive dysfunction–another way of nature preventing another conception right after
Prolactin Axis
- inhbitor
- effect in males
- effect in females
- breasts
- milk
- dopamine binds to the D2 receptors on the lactotroph cells & activates Gαi → ↓ adenylyl cyclase → ↓ ATP hydrolysis into CAMP so ↓ cAMP → ↓PKA & ↓ Ca → stop transcription factors from being phosphorylated & activated & therefore your prolactin levels ↓
- Effects ejaculation, Increases LH receptor expression from the Leydig cells so increases action of LH on the Leydig cells for testosterone production, Indirectly stimulates spermatogenesis
- during pregnancy, breast maturation & lactation occurs & that’s when prolactin levels go very high;
- Helps in breast differentiation of the cell; Development of the ducts–branching & proliferation, Formation of the glands, which are the alveolus, which are lined by the narrow one layer of epithelial cells, which stores the milk, Helps in milk production
- Helps the cells to absorb amino acids & different types of glucose from the blood & helps in production of milk protein like casin & phospholipids & different types of polyamines like spermaden etc. which are all present in breast milk
And for sure helps in activation of all the enzymes that are required for milk production & secretion
MOA of prolactin at target organs (breast cells)?
- kind of receptors & cell signaling pathway
- Class 1 cytokine receptor Jak-stat pathway: ligand binds to the receptor → receptor dimerization → phosphorylation of the JAKs → autophosphorylate tyrosine residues on the particular receptor itself → recruitment of the stat –stats are transcription factors, which will get phosphorylated & activated → transcription of the target gene
- similarity between them
- very large glyco proteins
- common alpha subunit but beta unit differentiates them
- What is it? Why?
- Products
- A pro-hormone. A direct gene product, Bc it undergoes further processing in the endoplasmic reticulum
- ACTH, beta endorphins, & MSH