Week 1 Flashcards
ICAO stands for _______. The is the international aviation regulatory branch of the United Nations. All member states must have their own regulatory body which acts in compliance with ICAO regulations.
International Civil Aviation Organization
C.A.A means ________. In Canada, this is Transport Canada.
Civil Aviation Authority
T.C.C.A is divided into ___ ‘branches’.
8 branches
The _______ authorizes the creation of the Canadian Aviation Regulation (CARs) and grants the minister of transportation the power they hold.
Aeronautics Act
Issue on Canada Gazette that notifies the public of proposed laws.
1st issue
Issue on Canada Gazette that tells the public what is now currently a law
2nd issue
(Type of regulation) _______ Uses mandatory words such as “shall”, “will” and “must”. This type of legislation states a person has no choice but to do something, or conversely, a provision which forbids a person from doing something.
Offence Creating Provisions
(Type of Regulation) ________ Identify an obligation on part of the minister or designated representatives to the performance of a task. In other words, this states WHAT ACTIONS TC is responsible for once a specific objective has been reached.
Administrative Provisions
A regulation is a rule that must be followed, meanwhile a ______ publication COMPLEMENTS a regulation by outlining the means of compliance. This publication can also set out criteria and conditions to be met for the issuance and maintenance of Canadian Aviation Document (C.A.D)
standards publication
_______ publications GIVE INFORMATION relating to procedures which aid with the compliance of a regulation or standard. May come as FYI documents relating to industry trends or findings.
Advisory Publications
______ notes are found within the text of CARs and are in the form of advisory information. They are used to EXPLAIN a specific statement but are not enforceable as a regulation. These notes are identified and printed in ITALICS to prevent confusion.
Information Notes
Regulatory structure pyramid
From top to bottom of pyramid:
Aeronautics ACT Regulations Standards Advisory Materials Policies and procedures