Week 1 Flashcards
Technical Manuals are publications and other forms of documentation which contain instructions for the use and maintenance of:
1) Weapons
2) Weapons systems
3) Components
4) Equipment
To help you perform your assigned operation is the primary purpose of what?
Technical Publications
Technical Manuals are didvided into 2 major publications
Operational Manuals
Maintenance Manuals
Contain descriptions of weapons systems with instructions for their effective use.
Operational Manuals
Description of weapons systems and instructions for their upkeep and repair
Maintenance Manuals
Technical Manuals are arranged in 2 different formatting styles
Work Package
The Work Package manual is an improvement over conventionally formatted technical manuals for 3 main reasons
The 2 numbering systems for technical publications are?
- Conventional Numbering System
2. Technical Manual Identification numbering system (TMINS)
What are the 2 parts of the TMINS number?
- Publication Identifier (PI)
2. Suffix
The 4 search categories to find a publication on the NATEC website are?
- Type of Equipment code (TEC)
- Platform
- Technical Manual Number
- Title
The manual that contains procedures required for maintenance at organizational (O Level), Intermediate (I level) or depot levels and are prepared as work packages.
Maintenance Instruction Manual (MIM)
Provides the technician with the data required for removal, installation, adjusting, and alignment system components.
What type of inspection is performed as a result of unscheduled conditions
Name four categories of changes to the NAMP
- Interim change
- change
- correction
- deviation
What is the work order used for?
To document maintenance actions when NALCOMIS is not available
Whose responsibility is it to approve the work, assign a Job Control Number (JCN) and assign the work order to a work center?
Maintenance Control
How do you report a discrepancy through NALCOMIS?
Initiate a work order
What are the objectives of the Naval Aviation Safety Program?
To establish an effective, aggressive and continuous accident prevention program
Who will be a central point for all safety related matters or concerns?
The Safety Petty officer/ Safety NCO
Most mishaps blamed on material failure may really involve?
Maintenance problems or human errors
What does the improper level of supervision or a failure of require personnel to meet personnel qualification standards lead to?
What are the 2 types of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) that were discussed for your body?
- Cotton Coveralls
- Apron
What is the function of a shorting bar?
To discharge De-energized equipment
Which of the following are methods of preventing EMI?
- grounding
- bonding
- shielding
- filtering
Name the sides of the EMI triangle?
- interference sources
- coupling path
- sensitive victim
What are natural sources of EMI?
- cosmic/solar/galaxy radiation
- electrostatic discharge
- precipitation static
- lightning
Which volume of NAVAIR 01-1A-509 covers procedures for corrosion on aircraft?
Volume 2
Which volumes would you need in the navy and marine corps to have a “complete set” for aircraft cleaning and corrosion control?
Volumes 1,2, and 4
In case of a conflict with corrosion control procedures which manual would take precedence?
NAVAIR 01-1A-509
What are the 2 most important factors in preventing corrosion and the only ones which can be controlled by field personnel?
- removal of electrolyte
- the application of protective coating
What is the most common form of corrosion?
Uniform surface corrosion
Whats the most common corrosion found on aluminum and magnesium alloys.
Pitting corrosion
how is the corrosive product of iron or steel easily recognized?
which inspection method is most widely used?
What becomes ineffective due to improper location, plugged by sealants, fasteners, dirt, grease, and debris?
Drain holes
Highest level of maintenance and provides direct support to OMA and IMA
Depot Level
2 types of maintenance
Was designed to ensure that a safe and healthful workplace
OSHA of 1970
Flight deck uniform consists of six items
Cranial Jersey Boots Goggles Gloves MK-1 Float Coat/Flotation Vest
If you see something wrong or don’t know what to do, who do you ask?
Yellow shirts
$ categories concerning aircraft tiedown requirements
Heavy Weather
Most basic of common hand tools and are the most frequently abused
Blunt tip 30-degree angle
proper size is one whose tip will fit the recess completely
pointed tip with a 45-degree angle
Reed and Prince
Used where there is not sufficient vertical clearance for a straight screwdriver
Used to exert a twisting force on bolt heads, nuts, studs, and pipes
Used to loosen or tighten nuts and bolts in areas having restricted overhead clearance
Open Wrench
Used for cutting small, light material such as wire and cotter pins
Diagonal pliers
Prevention and repair of corrosion damage to aircraft and avionic systems continues to be an ever increasing cost and safety burden for military aircraft
Corrosion Control Program
4 conditions have to exist for corrosion to take place
Metal present and has tendency to corrode
Dissimiliar conductive material
Conductive Liquid
Electrical contact between the anode and cathode must exist
Occurs when meatals are in contact with each other and an electrolyte
when different metals which are known to be in electrical contact are well spereated from each other on the galvanic series of metal charts
Glavanic corrosion
Most commonly found on aluminum and magnesium alloys
attack o the grain boundaries of the metal
Intergranular Corronsion
special form of oxygen concetntration cell corrosion or crevice corrosion which occurs on metal surfaces having an organic coating system
First step in preventing aircraft corrosion
when deployed within 3 miles of salt water or when flown below 3000 feet over saltwater
Daily cleaning
High alkaline cleaning materials are
not authorized for naval Aircraft
Light, compact, and ideal for cleaning hard to reach areas
Only used horizontally
Don’t service without relieving pressure
15 Gal. Foam Generating Cleaning Unit
Cools down aircraft and helps prevent fast evaporation
Wetting exteriors of aircraft with fresh water
rinse eyes for 15 minutes and report to the medical facility
if a cleaner is splashed in eyes
Use a _____ spray pattern to avoid damaging fragile sections or causing water intrusion
What can normally be removed by light sanding
Light corrosion
Series of inspections
What are the 3 different classifications of encapsulates?
- plotting compounds
- fungus proof coatings
- conformal coating