WEEK 1 Flashcards
INTL Political Economy aka…
Global Political Economy
IPE explores
the social science paradigms to uncover the relationships between STATE, ECONOMY and SOCIETY
Lake 2010 IPE
A substantive area of enquiry rather than merely a methodology
IPE.. interdisciplinary area.. draws from
Politics, Economics, History, Sociology, Cultural Studies, Development Studies
Core Issue Areas (Traditionally)
Production&trade, Money&Finance(debt, exchange, capital liberalisation), foreign direct investments/MNCs, Economic Development
Core Issue Areas (Increasingly)
Knowledge and technology, migration, security, environment, human development
Intellectual Roots
Mercantilism, Liberalism, Marxism
a) States Want Power
b) Wealth required to gain more Power
c) Wealth+Power are zero-sum
Mercantilism- 1) Economic Strength is..
a Critical Component of National Power
Mercantilism- 2) Trade is
to be valued for exports, but governments should discourage imports whenever possible
Mercantilism-3) Some forms of economic activity
are more valuable than others
- Markets satisfy human needs
- better to have less state intervention in the market: “invisible hand”
Liberalism Key Points: (part 1)
- Rational Self Interest+ Free Market= Economic Well being
- Labour + Income= societal benefit
- Free trade opens new markets and provides commodities at a lower cost
- Gov= regulator
Liberalism Key Points: (part 2)
- Economic Development best fostered in environment of free competition- universal natural laws
- Quantity of money theory- Monetarism
- Law of diminishing returns
- Comparative costs/comparative advantage
Marxism: History
series of class struggles between owners of capital (capitalists) and workers (the proletariat)
Marxism: wealth concentrated in the hands of a few capitalists…
ranks of increasingly dissatisfied proletariat would swell… revolution… leading to classless society
Marxism: Surplus value and exploitation
would ultimately lead to falling rate in profit and the collapse of industrial capitalism
Marxism Key POINTS:
- Labour theory of value (classical variant)
- State=agent of capitalist class
Marxism Key POINTS 2:
- Leads to human exploitation .. eventually revolution + conflict
- International economic relations are conflictual.. war=competition between capitalist classes
1 Dependancy
2 Hegemonic Stability
3 INTL Regime
4 Open Economy Politics
DEPENDANCY THEORY key points 1-3
1- Core countries-developed
2- Periphery Countries- developing
3- Transfer of resources from periphery to core
DEPENDANCY THEORY key points 4-6
4-Core use periphery as markets for goods
5-relationship of dependancy ensues
6-poor countries are poor because of exploitation
Hegemonic Stability Theory: key points 1-3
1-systems created by powerful actors
2-systems remain as onus as powerful actors are willing to maintain them.. mutually beneficial system
3- in IPE- Hegemon= country who produces the largest share of worlds total output + leads in tech development
Hegemonic Stability Theory: key points 4-6
4-Hegemon= interest in a liberal international trade system
5-Declining hegemonic becomes less supportive of liberal trade
6-» movement between openness and protectionism synchronise with changes of economic power characterises HST
- Portugal 1494-1580
- Holland 1580-1688
- Britain 1688-1792
- Britain 1815-1914
- USA 1945-1971