Week 1 Flashcards
What are the 4 major external rotators?
Piriformis, Obturator (internus and externus), Gemellus (Superior and Inferior), and Quadratus femoris
The only external rotator that connects directly to the sacrum is the ___, and it can act as an abductor when the hip is ___, or acts as an external rotator when the hip is ___
Also, some people (10-12%) have the __ nerve piercing the piriformis, so if contraction occurs is can possibly cause sciatica
** This is a MAJOR generator of pain and you can get a calyx via the sciatic nerve rubbing up against the piriformis muscle
Piriformis, flexed, extended
Sciatic nerve
While sitting in a chair, your inominate undergoes ___ pelvic tilt and is accompanied with increased ___ (Kyphosis or lordosis?)
If one were to experience an anterior pelvic tilt, they would be accompanied with an increased ___
Posterior, kyphosis
** The 1st ligament responsible for back pain is the ___ ligament
Iliolumbar ligament
Name the muscle based on its description for the 2 major hip flexors
1) From ala of ilea to the lesser trochanter of the femur
2) From the 5th lumbar vertebrae to the lesser trochanter of the femur
These questions relate to the gait cycle, also know the pictures from slide 26 in the innominate lecture
During the right heel strike, the right innominate has rotated in a ___ direction and the left innominate has rotated in an ___ direction.
During this time, the anterior surface of the sacrum is rotated to the __ and the superior surface is ___, while the spine is straight but rotated to the ___
During the right mid-stance, the right leg is straight and the innominate is rotating ___. The sacrum has rotated to the __ and is side bent __, while the lumbar spine has side bent __ and rotated ___.
During the left heel strike, the left innominate begins __ rotation, after toe-off, the right innominate begins __ rotation.
The sacrum is level, but with the anterior surface rotated to the __. The spine, although straight, is also rotated to the __ as in the lower trunk.
At the left leg stance, the left innominate is high and the left leg straight. The sacrum has rotated to the __ and side-bent ___, while the lumbar spine has side-bent __ and rotated __
Posterior, anterior
Left, level, left
Anterior, right, left, right, left
Anterior, posterior
Right, right
Left, right, left, right
A + flexion test, whether it is seated or standing, is when the ___ comes up (cephalad) as the person flexed from the waist.
Therefore, the dysfunction is on the __ side that came up (elevated) first and farthest and also the SI will lock prematurely on the dysfunctional side
These are ___ tests (dynamic or static?)
Rotation dysfunctions
An anterior innominate rotation means the ASIS is __PSIS is __ and medial malleolus is ___ aka long (since think about it, the ASIS is rotated down so it makes you have a longer leg)
An posterior innominate rotation means the ASIS is __PSIS is __ and medial malleolus is ___ aka short (since think about it, the ASIS is rotated up so it makes you have a shorter leg)
** Pubic tubercles equal for both
Inferior, superior, inferior
Superior, Inferior, Superior
Shear dysfunctions
A superior shear consists of the ASIS, PSIS, and medial malleolus all being ___ on the affected side causing the leg to be __ on that side
An inferior shear has the ASIS, PSIS, and medial malleolus all being __ on the affected side leading to the leg being __ on that side
** Pubic tubercles equal for both
Superior, shorter
Inferior, longer
***** Tight hamstrings and gluts lead to a __ tilt
Tight iliopsoas muscles can lead to an ___ tilt
Weak rectus abdomins muscles can lead to a ___ tilt
Weak erector spinae muscles can lead to an ___ tilt
A standing flexion test may lead to a false positive or negative sign for an innominate SD, due to the fact that there can be unequal ___ lengths so one must treat the hamstrings first and then reassess.
Innominate ___s are when the ASIS is more medial on one side compared to the other
So for inflares and outflares, the ASIS heights are ___, PSIS heights are ____, the Malleoli heights are ___ and for an inflare innominate the ASIS to midline distance is ___ on the side of dysfunction and an outflare innominate has the ASIS to midline distance ___ on the side of dysfunction
** ^ Pubic tubercles equal for fares
If a standing flexion and compression test is found positive on the right, and the pubes are found superior on the right, it would be considered pubic __ with up slip on the __ side
** ^ In other words, a right superior pubic shear (instead of a right inferior pubic shear)
Equal, equal, equal, shorter, longer
Shear, right (Name it for the side the dysfunction is felt on)
The major flexor of the hip is the ___ muslce and it pulls the pelvis ___
The major extensor of the hip is the ___ group and the ___ muscle and it pulls the pelvis __
What are the three major hip adductors and they stabilize and pull the hip ___
What are the three major hip abductors and they stabilize and pull the hip ___
Which group all attaches to the pubic ramus and the medial and/or posterior femur?
Iliopsoas (Iliacus and Psoas Major), anterior
Hamstrings (mostly the biceps femoris, semitendinosus and semimembranosus) and gluteus maximus, posterior
Adductor Magnus, Brevis, and Longus, medially
Gluteus medius, minimus, and tensor fascia lata, laterally
Adductor group
Pubic compression and gapping have a ____ standing flexion test and a ___ pelvic compression test bilaterally
Pubic ___ often present as bilateral tenderness of each pubic rami as well as centrally over the symphysis and possible bulging symphyseal cartilage
Pubic ___ often occurs after childbirth, pelvic fractures, or trauma to the pelvis and can be very painful with larger than expected gapping of symphyseal cartilage
Negative, Positive
___ is when S1 and S2 do NOT fuse and ___ is when L5 fuses to the sacrum
Lumbarization, sacralization
The lateral sacral crest, formed by the fusion of the sacral transverse processes, end in a curve inferiorly called the ___
Inferolateral angle (ILA)
The sacral ___ is a defect near the apex (remember that is the bottom) where the lamina failed to close and this is where sacral epidural nerve blocks are performed
The sacrum has __ vertebrae fused into a single bone and the coccyx has __ vertebrae, some fused and some not fused
5, 4
The sacrum is suspended between the innominates by 3 true ligaments (technically it’s just 1 with three subgroups) and 3 accessory ligaments.
Name all 6
**True ligaments attach bone to bone, and accessory ligaments attaches to another ligament, tendon, or fascia
True: Sacroiliac ligament (the three subgroups are the anterior, posterior, and interosseous sacroiliac ligament)
Accessory: Sacrotuberous, Sacrospinous, Iliolumbar
The __ ligament attaches from S3 to the pre-auricular surface of the ilium
The __ ligament has massive bands that attach from the medial sacral crest to the iliac tuberosities
The __ ligament connects the PSIS to S3 and S4
Anterior/ventral sacroiliac L.
Interosseous sacroiliac L.
Posterior/dorsal sacroiliac L.
** Possible test questions
The sacrotuberous ligament attaches from the sacrum to the __ tuberosity
The sacrospinous ligament attaches from the sacrum to the ____ spine
The sacrotuberous and sacrospinous ligaments stabilize ___ motion, preventing ___ - ___ rotation around the __ axis
The iliolumbar ligament attaches the 4th and 5th lumbar vertebra to the ___ crest
The iliolumbar ligament stabilizes __ motion, restricting ___ motion of ___ and ___
** Don’t confuse iliac and ischial**
Anterior, posterior - superior, transverse
Posterior, anterior, L4/L5
The primary intrinsic muscles of the pelvic diaphragm are __ and __
The secondary muscles, considered to have partial attachment to the true pelvis is rectus abdominis, transversus abdominis, internal and external oblique, quadratus lumborum, rector spinae, and multifidus
Levator ani group (pubococcygeus, puborectalis, and iliococcygeus)
The cranial dural attachment is the __, __, and __
*** The sacral dural attachment is __
Foramen magnum, C1, C2
___ closure is due to holding an object by pressure on the sides created by muscles, ligaments, and fascia surrounding the SI joint
__ closure is “stacking” aka the use of a roman arch as a self supporting structure such as the sacrum that acts as the keystone arch that is wedged between the ilium
The transverse axes of motion for sacral axes has a superior, middle, and inferior axis.
The superior transverse axis is __ motion as well as ___ flexion/extension. It occurs at the articular process of __ and at the attachment of the __
The middle transverse axis is referred to as ___ or ___ aka the axis for flexion/extension in sitting and standing. This occurs at the level of the S2 __
The inferior transverse axis is the ___ axis that is important for rotation of the ilium on the sacrum
Respiratory, SBS (also called inherent motion), S2, dura
Postural or sacroiliac, body
The oblique axes of motion is where ___/___ motion occurs and has a right and left oblique axis
The right oblique axis runs from superiorly __ to inferiorly ___
The left oblique axis runs from superiorly __ to inferiorly ___
Right, left
Left, right
** Named for the cephalad side
During respiratory motion, which remember, is around the ___ axis, the sacral base (the top) moves __ during inhalation while the sacral apex moves __ and this leads to a ___ lumbar lordosis
During exhalation, the sacral base moves __ while the sacral apex moves ___ and this leads to a __ lumbar lordosis
Superior transverse axis
Posterior, anterior, Decreased
Anteriorly, Posteriorly, increase
During postural motion, which remember is around the __ axis, if you flex forward aka forward bending then the sacral base moves __ and the sacral apex moves ___
Extension aka backward bending causes the sacral base to move __ and apex to move __
**Don’t confuse this with slouching during sitting, which causes a ___ pelvic tilt vs sitting up straight with lumbar extension that causes a ___ pelvic tilt
Middle transverse axis,
Anterior, posterior
Posterior, anterior
Posterior, anterior
Inherent motion (aka SBS motion) occurs around the ___ axis and is the main hinge around which cranial motion occurs
The terms to describe this motion is nutation and counternutation
Nutation means nodding ___ (in relation to the sacrum) and this causes the sacral base to move ___ and the sacral apex to move ___. ** It occurs with craniosacral/SBS ___ **
Counternutation causes the sacral base to move ___ and the sacral apex to move ___ and occurs with craniosacral/SBS ___
Superior transverse axis
Anterior, posterior, extension
Posterior, anterior, flexion
Dynamic motion, which occurs while walking, is around the __ axis and during this motion the innominates are constantly rotating in opposite directions to one another aka one rotates anterior and the other posterior
There are 4 major pelvic ligaments we talk about. Name the ligament based on its location
1) From ilia to the 5th lumbar vertebra
2) From the sacrum to the spine of the ischium
3) From the sacrum to the ischial tuberosity
4) Covers most of the sacroiliac joint and is both anterior and posterior
** KNOW THE PICTURES FOR ALL THE LIGAMENTS (Starts at slide 24 in Pre-lecture)
**Also, the sacrospinous and sacrotuberous ligaments divide the greater and lesser ___
1) Iliolumbar ligament
2) Sacrospinus ligament
3) Sacrotuberous ligament
4) Sacroiliac ligament
Sciatic foramens
The pubic symphysis is a ___ joint, with a disc called the interpubic disc
Fibrocartilagenous joint
The seated flexion test is monitored at the ____ aspect of the ___.
The test looks at which PSIS moves first/and or the furthest in the cephalad direction and the ___ (contralateral side or ipsilateral side) that does so indicates the positive side
** In other words, this test determines the side of laterality, but if it is a bilateral SD, you wouldn’t get a positive test
Inferior, PSIS
Ipsilateral side (same side)
In the lumbar spring test, the patient is prone and a springing force is applied ____ into the ___-___ junction (aka the sacral base)
If you get a normal spring, the test is ___, which indicates no dysfunction OR ___ torsion or ___ dysfunction
If you get a hard end feel, the test is ___, which indicates a ___ torsion or ____
Anteriorly, lumbo-sacral
Negative, anterior, flexion
^ **AKA either no dysfunction, OR the base of the sacrum is sitting forwards/anterior aka more deep so that gives you a spring feeling
Positive, Posterior, extension
^ **AKA the base of the sacrum is sitting backwards/posterior aka more shallow so that gives you the hard end feel
The sphinx test aka backward bending test increases lumbar ___ and therefore brings the sacrum into the ___ position
This test is used for confirmation of the ___ test
If the sacral sulci are noted to become more symmetric, the result is ___ torsion or unilateral ____ dysfunction
If the sacral sulci are noted to become more asymmetric, the result is ___ torsion or unilateral ___ dysfunction
Lordosis, flexion
Lumbar spring
Anterior, flexion
Posterior, extension