Week 1-4 (test prep) Flashcards
Five types of ingredients used in skin preparation
- Water miscible vehicles (e.g. Water, alcohol, macrogols)
- Oil vehicles (e.g. Mineral oil, vegetable oil, synthetic oil)
- Emulsifying agents (oil in water-emulsifying waxes. Water in oil-wool fat)
- Suspending agents (Clays, gelling agent)
- Humectant , to reduce water loss.
Name four types of semi-solid skin preparations.
Ointment : oil vehicle with surfactant.
Cream: less greasy and usually oil in water emulsions. High water content so require preservatives.
Pastes: high conc of solids with protective properties.
Gels: water miscible viscous preparations. Aqueous gels for lubrication. Oil gels for occlusion (absorption).
What is mixing by fusion ?
Mix by melting ingredients in evaporating dish in water bath.
List the four themes of pharmacy 201
- Professional practice- recognize different pharmaceutical formulations and develop working knowledge of various formulations.
- Medicine information- find and give information for accurate and safety of drug use.
- Law and ethics- apply relevant information to the laws and understand the fundamental elements of ethics.
- Professional communication- understand and develop effective communication skills and practice cultural considerations.
List seven basic competences required to be a pharmacist in NZ.
(Pro quality PH MO R D Pproduct)
- Practice pharmacy in a professional and cultural competence manner.
- Contribute to the quality of the medicine.
- Provide primary health care.
- Apply management and organization skills.
- Research and provide information.
- Dispense medicine.
- Prepare pharmaceutical product.
What is trituration ?
Incorporating finely divided insoluble powders or liquids into a base.
What is levitation?
Incorporating insoluble course powders into molten base or semi-solid base.
What is doubling up technique?
Used to mix powder to powder, powder to semi solid or semi solid to semi solid.
Start with small amount of each ingredients, mix thoroughly , as adding more ingredient add double the amount of what has been mixed.
Advantages and disadvantages of capsules.
Advantages: taste masking, release can be controlled, made light resistance.
Disadvantages: swallow difficulties, not suitable for children, animal gelatin in capsules.
Advantages and dis for powder.
Advantages: accurate dosing, stable, easy to give, acceptable by most patients.
Disadvantages: may be difficult to swallow, hard to mask taste, calculations needed.
What is literacy?
What is health literacy?
Literacy: the written, oral language people use in their daily life.
Health literacy: the ability to obtain, understand and to process the basic health information and services needed to make appropriate health decisions.
How can health literacy be improved by?
- Health promotions (through text articles, charts, lists and labels).
- Health protections (safety warning on the media).
- Disease prevention (medicine labels, hospital discharge notes).
- Health system accessing services (appointment cards).
Consequence of poor health literacy
- Non adherence to medication treatments.
- increase usage of emergency services.
- reduce ability to self manage conditions.
- reduce engagement with care plans and health systems.
What is the universal precautions approach?
It is a specific action that can minimize the risk for everyone when it is unclear which patients may be affected.
I.e. structuring patient interactions to minimize the risk of patient misunderstanding health information that’s given.
What’s the three “ask me three”?
- whats my main problem?
- what do I need to do?
- why is it important for me to do so?
Why do you need effective clinical communication skills?
- Effective health care delivery.
- Satisfaction for patients and pharmacists.
- Improves adherence.
- Better understanding and recalling of patients, to allow them to self manage their medical conditions.
Two MUST skills pharmacist..
- Communication skills in pharmacy practice.
2. Build rapport– explain and question patients.
What are the attitudinal barriers?
- Stereotyping.
- Assumptions.
- Blaming.
- Lack cultural understanding.
How to build rapport?
- Greet meet task ask.
- Show acceptance. (Acknowledge patients point of view and previous self managements)
- Offer empathy and support. (Express concerns and willingness to help)
- Be sensitive. ( be sensitive to embarrassments. be professional and confident)
What is active listening?
- Listening intently with whole body.
- Silence and keep calm.
- Minimal encouragements.
- Reflective techniques. (To check and confirm information)
- Summary.
- Confronting (correct their problems)
- Open questions.
What are the Non verbal communications
Facial expression. Eye contact. Body movement. Physical contact. Posture. Voice of tone and pace. Use of space. Environmental cues.
Six key tasks for pharmacist.
- Find out what the patients want to know.
- check patient’s perception, how much info to give, what info do they need.
- Optimizing recall and understanding.
- follow logical sequence, categories, emphasize key points, avoid jargon, rephrasing.
- Achieving a joint understanding.
- relates explanations to clients point of view, encourage client contributions.
- Planning future actions
- share thoughts and what’s best for them, explore/ identify patient resistance.
- Offer alternative choices.
- Advising behavior changes.
- check for readiness of changes, offer information and resources.
What is compliance?
- The extent to which the patient’s behavior matches the health care professionals instructions.
- Implies passively and lack involvements with patients.
- Rely the outcome solely on the patient.
What is adherence?
- The extent to which the patient’s behavior matches the agreed recommendations from both patients and the health professionals.
- Implies active and voluntary participation with patients.
- Shared responsibility of health outcomes between patients and health professionals.
What are the three components of medication adherence?
- Collecting the prescription.
- Taking the medication correctly.
- Taking medication for the full course.
Reasons for medication non adherence relating to patients.
-Practical barriers-
The cognitive and physical limitations.
Medication costs affordability.
Accessibility to pharmacies.
-Perceptual barriers-
Motivations to take the medications.
Beliefs and concerns about their medical conditions.
To balance the perceived need and perceived costs.
Reasons for medication non adherence relating to treatment.
Treatment complexity and duration.
Lower dosage frequency and shorter duration will have the highest adherence.
Reasons for medication non adherence relating to health system.
Social support and healthcare professional to patient communications are both important for encouraging adherence.
Why is pharmacist important in medication adherence?
- Is perceived to have expertise in managing medications.
- Is most accessible and most frequently consulted.
- Can contribute to process rather than full responsibility.
- Able to offer effective adherence interventions.
- Able to ask patients directly about their barriers or problems.
What are the interventions of adherence?
Talk to patients and ask for their concerns.
Consider patient’s cognitive ability (age, disease state, depression, learning disability)
Consider patient’s physical ability.
-Practical barriers-
Simplification of med regime(政策)
Use reminder aids
-Perceptual barriers-
Invite them to talk about their condition and medication and enhance the importance of adherence.
Advantages and disadvantages of solutions.
-advantages- Easy to swallow. Increase absorption. Even dosage. Flexible dosing. Gastric irritation reduced.
Bulky container.
Hydrolysis and oxidation of active ingredients.
Contamination of bacteria.
Rely on the accuracy measure of patients.
Unpleasant taste and hard to mask.
Aqueous solvents are: relatively cheap and available, palatable, non toxic, non irritant, normally polar and dissolves salts and ions.
Give four categories of this kind of solvent.
Oral preparations mainly for cough treatments.
It is a viscous solution containing sugars.
E.g. Codeine
Concentrated viscous solution containing one or more sugars. Mostly at least 45% sucrose.
Masks taste of nauseous medications.
E.g. Codeine syrup.
Liquid oral preparation that usually contains potent or unpleasant taste drugs.
Normally contains sweeteners and non aqueous solutions (I.e. alcohol, glycerol, propylene glycerol)
E.g. Paediatric Paracetamol elixir.
An oily or aqueous solution that is administrated rectally.
Normally used to treat constipation or ulcerative colitis or X-ray preparations or epilepsy.
E.g. Diazepam.
What is antitussive drugs?
Suppresses cough reflex. Not suitable for chesty/productive coughs.
What six properties should non-aqueous solutions should have?
- Non toxic
- Non irritant
- Cost effective
- Non sensitizing
- Stable
- Compatible with medication
List five examples of non aqueous solutions.
Alcohol- however not metabolized by immature babies.
Glycerol- a stabilizer and sweetener for oral prep.
- conc >20% act as preservatives.
- viscous and miscible to water n alcohol.
Propylene glycol- toxic for < 3 years old.
- less viscous and better solvent than glycerol.
Syrup- promotes dental decay,
not suitable for diabetes too.
Oil- can give longer duration actions.
- nut oils can cause sensitivity reactions.
What is solubility?
The maximum concentration of a solution at a given temperature.
The number or parts of the solvent that will dissolve one part of a substance.
What methods can increase dissolution rate?
- increase surface area and decrease particle size.
( drugs often form a concentrated layer–stagnant layer–which determines the rate of reactions) - increase temperature and concentration gradient.
- increase temperature and viscosity decrease.
( less viscous ease the solutes moving between the solvents)
What are the eight ideal properties of preservative ?
Non toxic and non allergenic. Bactericidal. Active against all wide of microorganism. Inexpensive. Stable in wide range of storage conditions. Free from unpleasant smell. Resistant to microorganism attack. Do not interact with active ingredients.
Two common preservatives in nz
Methylhydrobenzoate, propylhydrobenzoate.
Benzoic acid
More effective in acid conditions.
How can challenging interactions arise?
- Environment unsuitable, physical (the busy pharmacy) or sociopolitical ( pharmac government policy).
- Time constraints.
- Issue related to development stages ( children, elderly, adolescents).
- Patients have string emotions.
- Clients may have medical conditions/ problems.
- Culture considerations.
How to deal with emotional clients?
- acknowledge the emotions.
- negotiate to explore it if appropriate.
- screen underlying reasons.
- move forward if client is calmer.
How to deal with clients with medical problems?
- be aware of drug history.
- knowledge what the doctor had said.
- be careful for leading questions.
How to deal with drug seeker?
- set clear limits.
- give rationale ( tell them safety reasons, legal and ethical obligations).
- call police and report problems.
- talk to colleague to calm self.
What does applied to pharmacy and health literacy means?
It means structuring patient interactions to minimize the risk that any patient is not understanding the health information they are given.
What is culture?
It is the sum of the living ways which is built by a group of human beings and is transmitted to the next generation.
What does culture influences?
Values, beliefs, expression, pattern of thinking, preferred communication methods, attitude and behaviors.
What is culture bounded to?
Media Health Political structure Social structure Economic production
What does culture include?
Religion Social economic status Age Gender Sex orientation Race, ethnicity Physical mental impairment.
What is the benefit of being culture competence?
- Enhance patient and pharmacist relationship.
- Encourage collaborative management of patient illness.
- Potential to improve patient health.
- Potential to save medical costs.
- Potential to reduce health disparities.
What are the five steps to culture competence?
- Respect culture difference.
- Evaluate self bias.
- Understand the dynamics of relationship and communication.
- Build culture knowledge.
- Adapting to practices.
What is photic conversations?
The speech that promotes human warmth, the ice breaking conversation.
What is the general communication strategies?
- Active listening.
- Reflect and ask questions to confirm info.
- Recognize culture difference.
- Be aware of different communication ways and barriers.
- Be flexible and adapt to patients preference.
- Be open minded to understand different beliefs.
- Avoid stereotyping.
What is the legal requirements and professional obligations for pharmacist?
The legal requirements and professional obligations for pharmacist is to be able to communicate verbal and written information to the client, in order to facilitate optimal health outcomes for all pharmacy service users.
What are the six possible problems to interpretation services?
- Confidentiality
- No rapport between interpreter and patients
- Bias from the interpreter
- Mis-interpreting
- Difficulties to confirm info.
- Mis- diagnose as interpreter health literacy level not known.
What are the three communication frameworks?
Kleinmans questions.
The ethnic model.
The learn model.
What is the ethnic model from communication framework?
Explanation. Patients to explain their sickness.
Treatments. What are the previous treatment tried?
Healer. Previous healer seeking?
Negotiate options.
Interventions to agreement.
Collaborative with family, healer and patient
What is the LEARN model from communication framework?
Listening. Explain and share perspective. Acknowledge different perspective. Recommend treatments. Negotiate mutual agreed treatment.
What are the Kleniman’s questions?
Why it happened? What caused it? What has the illness done to you? How severe is it? What treatment would you want? What outcome do you expect? What is the main problem you facing? What is your concerns?
What is anti-microbial, disinfectant, antiseptic?
Anti-microbial: kills microorganism or inhibits their growth or replication.
Disinfectant: eliminate many or all pathogenic microorganism.
Antiseptic: inhibits growth and reproduction is organisms. Weaker.
What is preservative?
A chemical or other agent that reduced the rate of decomposition of a substance.