Week 1-2 Flashcards
What are the 2 types of radiation?
Primary Radiation
(Central Ray)
Secondary Radiation
(Scattered Radiation)
Milliamperage (mA)
It controls darkness
Maximum Permissible Dose
3 Things for Patient Protection
Lead Apron and Thyroid Collar
Fast Speed Film
Film Holding Device
Health Factors That Determine if/how Often You Take X-Rays
ONLY IF NECESSARY: Pregnant Patient Cancer Patients MORE FREQUENT: Diabetic Patients Handicapped Patients Poor Health Patients
3 Rules for Operator’s Protection
Never stand in the direct line of the Primary Beam
Always stand behind a lead barrier
Never stand closer than 6 feet from the x-ray unit
How do you store film?
In the refrigerator
Off of the floor
What are the 3 Intraoral X-Rays?
Periapical (PA)
BiteWing (BW)
Occlusal (O)
Shows entire tooth and the surrounding area
Called the Cavity Detecting x-ray. Shows the crown portion of both upper and lower teeth
Occlusal X-Ray
Shows entire arch
What are the 3 Extraoral X-Rays?
Panoramic (pan)
Cephalometric (ceph)
Temporomandibular Joint (TMJ)
What are the 2 Intraoral Techniques?
Paralleling Technique
Bisecting the Angle Technique
Full Mouth Survey
Full Mouth Series
What are the 3 film holders?